The second season of RuPaul's Drag Race premiered on February 1, 2010, and aired its final episode on April 26, 2010. On May 1, 2009, the casting website for the series opened, allowing prospective contestants to create user profiles and upload videos of themselves to be voted on by viewers; the applicant collecting the most votes being invited to become a contestant of the second season. At the end of the online casting period, Jessica Wild had collected the most votes and was announced as being a season two contestant. Filming took place during the summer of 2009.
For season two, the number of contestants was increased from nine to twelve, and the prizes were slightly modified: a lifetime supply of NYX Cosmetics and be the face of, an exclusive one year public relations contract with LGBT firm Project Publicity, be featured an LA Eyeworks campaign, join the Logo Drag Race tour, and a cash prize of $25,000. A new tradition of writing a farewell message, in lipstick on their workstation mirror, was started by the first eliminated queen of the season. Each week's episode is followed by a behind-the-scenes show, RuPaul's Drag Race Untucked. The theme song playing during the runway and the end credits every episode is "Jealous of My Boogie" from RuPaul's album Champion. On December 6, 2011, released this season on DVD via their CreateSpace program.
The winner of the second season of RuPaul's Drag Race was Tyra Sanchez, with Raven being the runner-up.
Shangela Laquifa Wadley returned on the third season as a surprise contestant to compete with the other 12 drag queens. She placed 6th overall.
Jujubee, Pandora Boxx and Raven competed on the first season of All Stars. Pandora placed 11th/12th with season 3 contestant Mimi Imfurst, Jujubee placed 3rd/4th with season 1 contestant Shannel, and Raven was the runner-up.
Tatianna competed on the second season of All Stars and initially finished in 8th place. She returned to the competition after winning re-entry with Alyssa Edwards and placed 6th overall.
Shangela is competing on the third season of All Stars. Morgan McMichaels competed and placed 10th overall.
Video RuPaul's Drag Race (season 2)
(Ages and names stated are at time of contest)
Maps RuPaul's Drag Race (season 2)
Contestant progress
- The contestant won RuPaul's Drag Race.
- The contestant was the runner-up of RuPaul's Drag Race.
- The contestant was eliminated without qualifying to lip-sync in the finale.
- The contestant was voted Miss Congeniality by viewers.
- The contestant won a challenge.
- The contestant was in the "best and worst" category but was ultimately chosen to be safe.
- The contestant was in the bottom two.
- The contestant was eliminated.
- The contestant returned as a guest for the finale episode.
Lip syncs
- The contestant was eliminated after their first time in the bottom two.
- The contestant was eliminated after their second time in the bottom two.
- The contestant was eliminated after their third time in the bottom two.
- The contestant was eliminated after the final lip sync.
Guest judges
Judges are listed in order of appearance:
External links
- Official website
Source of the article : Wikipedia