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People for the ethical treatment of animals by

People for the Ethical Treatment of Animals ( MAP ; style PeTA ) is an American animal rights organization that based in Norfolk, Virginia, and headed by Ingrid Newkirk, its international president. A nonprofit corporation with nearly 400 employees, claims to have 6.5 million members and supporters, in addition to claiming that it is the world's largest animal rights group. The slogan is "Animals are not ours to eat, to use, to experiment, to be used for entertainment, or to be abused in other ways."

Founded in March 1980 by Newkirk and fellow animal rights activist Alex Pacheco, the organization first attracted public attention in the summer of 1981 during what is known as the case of the Silver Spring monkeys, a widely publicized dispute about experiments conducted on 17 monkey monkeys inside the Institute of Behavioral Research in Silver Spring, Maryland. The case lasted 10 years, involving the only police raid in the laboratory of animals in the United States, which sparked an amendment in 1985 on the nation's Animal Welfare Act, and established PETA as an internationally known organization. Today, it focuses on four core issues - opposition to factory farming, animal husbandry, animal testing, and animal use in the entertainment world. It also campaigns on the vegan lifestyle and opposes eating meat, fishing, killing animals that are considered pests, keeping chained dogs back, fighting, fighting, and bullfights.

This group has been the focus of controversy, both inside and outside the animal rights movement. Newkirk and, earlier, Pacheco was seen as a leading exporter of animal rights to more traditional animal protection groups in the United States, but part of the movement remained saying that PETA is not radical enough - Gary Francione law professor lists the group among what he calls "new welfarists," arguing that his work with the industry to achieve reform, which continues in the Henri Spira tradition, makes it an animal welfare group, not an animal rights group. Newkirk told Salon in 2001 that PETA is working towards a goal but trying to temporarily provide carrot and stick incentives. There is also criticism from feminists in the movement about the use of scantily clad women in PETA's anti-feather campaigns and others, but as Norm Phelps notes, "Newkirk has been consistent in his response.No one, he says, is exploited." Everyone... is volunteer volunteers. Sexual attraction is a fact of life, and if it can advance animals, he does not apologize for using it. "Also, Phelps notes that some activists believe that group media action underestimates animal rights, but he qualifies this by saying," [ I] have a hard time arguing successfully and PETA is the world's most successful animal rights organization. World. "Newkirk's view is that PETA has an obligation to become a" prostitute of the press. "He argues," This is our duty. We would be worthless if we were just polite and did not make waves. "

Video People for the Ethical Treatment of Animals


Ingrid Newkirk

Newkirk was born in England in 1949, and grew up in Hertfordshire and then New Delhi, India, where his father - a navigation engineer - was stationed. Newkirk, now an atheist, was educated at a monastery, the only English girl there. He moved to the United States as a teenager, first studying to become a stockbroker, but after taking a few kittens left to an animal shelter in 1969 and was shocked by the conditions he found there, he chose a career in animal protection instead. He became an animal protection officer for Montgomery County, Maryland, and then the first Columbia District female lady. In 1976, he was the head of the D.C Commission's animal disease control division on Public Health and in 1980, included among those referred to as "Washingtonians of the Year." He told Michael Specter of The New Yorker who worked for the shelter that he was surprised at how animals were treated:

I go to the front office all the time, and I'll say, "John kicked the dogs and put them in the freezer." Or I would say, "They step on the animals, destroy them like wine, and they do not care." In the end, I will go to work early, before anyone gets there, and I will just kill the animal itself. Because I can not bear to let them through it. I must have killed thousands of them, sometimes a dozen every day. Some of those people will be happy to make them suffer. Driving home every night, I would cry just thinking about it. And I feel, on my bones, this can not be true.

In 1980, he divorced Steve Newkirk, whom he married when he was 19, and the same year met Alex Pacheco, majoring in political science at George Washington University. Pacheco has learned to become a priest, then worked as a crew member of the first ship Sea Shepherd Conservation Society. He volunteers at the shelter where he works, and they fall in love and start living together, though as Kathy Snow Guillermo writes, they are very different - Newkirk is older and more practical, while Pacheco can barely keep himself. Newkirk read Peter Singer's influential book, Animal Liberation (1975), and in March 1980, he persuaded Pacheco to join him in forming the People for the Ethical Treatment of Animals, at that time only "five people in basement, "as Newkirk describes it. They were mostly students and members of the local vegetarian community, but the group included Pacheco's English friend Kim Stallwood, a British activist who later became the national organizer of the British Union for the Elimination of Liberation. Pacheco was reluctant at first. "It does not sound great to me," he told The Los Angeles Times in 1992. "I have been active in Europe... and I think there are too many formalities I think we just have to do something ourselves but he makes a convincing case that Washington needs a vehicle for animals because the organization is presently too conservative. "

Silver Spring Monkey

The group first became public attention in 1981 during the Silver Spring monkeys case, a dispute over experiments conducted by researcher Edward Taub on 17 monkey monkeys at the Institute of Behavioral Research in Silver Spring, Maryland. The case led to the first police strike in the United States in the laboratory of animals, sparking an amendment in 1985 to the United States Animal Welfare Act, and became the first case of animal testing filed with the United States Supreme Court, enforced. a Louisiana District Court ruling that rejected PETA's request for custody of monkeys.

Pacheco had taken up work in May 1981 in a primate research laboratory at the Institute, intending to gain hands-on experience in animal laboratories. Taub had cut sensory ganglia supplying nerves to monkeys' fingers, hands, arms, and legs - a process called "deafferentation" - so the monkeys could not feel it; some monkeys have their entire deaf spine. He then uses curbs, electric shocks, and restrain food and water to force monkeys to use their deaf parts. This study led in part to the discovery of new neuroplasticity and therapies for stroke victims called gestural therapy induced by constraints.

Pacheco went to the lab at night, taking photographs showing monkeys living in what the Animal Research Institute of the ILAR Journal Laboratory called "gross conditions." He gave his picture to the police, who raided the lab and caught Taub. Taub was convicted of six allegations of animal cruelty, the first conviction in the United States as a veterinary researcher; belief, though, was canceled on appeal. Norm Phelps writes that the case follows a highly publicized campaign of Henry Spira in 1976 against experiments on cats conducted at the American Museum of Natural History in New York and the next Spira campaign in April 1980 against the Draize test. This and the Silver Monkey silver case jointly place animal rights on the agenda in the United States.

The 10-year battle for monkey prisoners - described by The Washington Post as a cruel mud fight, in which both sides accuse others of lies and distortions - turning PETA into a national, then international, movement. In February 1991, he claimed more than 350,000 members, more than 100 paid staff, and an annual budget of more than $ 7 million.


PETA was based in Rockville, Maryland, until 1996, when moving to Norfolk, Virginia. It opened its Los Angeles division in 2006 and also has offices in Washington, D.C., and Oakland, California. In addition, PETA has international affiliates in the UK, France, the Netherlands, Germany, India, Australia and the Asia-Pacific region.

Maps People for the Ethical Treatment of Animals

Philosophy and activism


PETA is an animal rights organization and, as such, rejects speciesism and also opposes the use and abuse of animals in any way, such as food, clothing, entertainment, or research subjects. One quote from Newkirk is: "When it comes to feelings like hunger, pain, and thirst, a rat is a pig is a dog is a boy." PETA lobbied government agencies to impose fines and/or seize animals when animal welfare laws have been violated, promote vegan lifestyles, try to reform practices at factory farms and in slaughterhouses, send investigators undercover to research laboratories, farms, and circus animals, initiated media campaigns against certain companies or practices, helped find animal sanctuaries previously used by circuses and zoos, and started lawsuits against companies that refused to change their practices. This group has been criticized by some animal rights advocates for their willingness to work with industries that use animals for the purpose of influencing gradual change. Newkirk dismisses this criticism and says the group exists to maintain a radical line.

The group has 6.5 million members and supporters, they received donations of more than $ 65 million for the year ended July 31, 2016, and its website received 4 million hits per month in November 2008. More than 83 percent of the operational budget was spent on its program in 2015-2016, 15 percent on membership development, and 1 percent in general management and operations. Seven percent of his staff earned less than $ 30,000 and 56 percent over $ 45,000, and Newkirk earned just over $ 30,000.

Pacheco left the group in 1999. His current leadership, in addition to Newkirk, included Executive Vice President Tracy Reiman, Senior Vice President of Laboratory Investigations Kathy Guillermo, Senior Vice President of Communications Lisa Lange, Senior Vice President of Media Dan Mathews Campaign, and Senior Vice President of Crime Investigation Daphna Nachminovitch. His honorary directors include Pamela Anderson, James Cromwell, Chrissie Hynde, Bill Maher, and, until his death in 2015, Sam Simon.

Consumer campaigns and boycott

The organization is known for its aggressive media campaign, combined with a strong celebrity support base - in addition to its honorary directors, Paul McCartney, Alicia Silverstone, Eva Mendes, Charlize Theron, Ellen DeGeneres, and many other famous celebrities have appeared in PETA Ads. Each week, Newkirk holds what The New Yorker calls the "war council," with two dozen top strategies gathering at a square table in the PETA conference room, without suggestions that are considered too embarrassing. PETA also provides an annual prize, called the Proggy Award (for "progress"), to individuals or organizations dedicated to animal welfare or who distinguish themselves through their efforts in the field of animal welfare.

Many campaigns focus on large companies. Fast-food companies like KFC, Wendy's and Burger King have been targeted. In the animal testing industry, PETA consumer boycott focuses on Avon, Benetton, Bristol-Myers-Squibb, Chesebrough-Pond's, Dow Chemical, General Motors, and others. The modus operandi group includes buying shares in targeted companies like McDonald's and Kraft Foods to make an impact. Campaign has returned results for PETA. Vegetarian options were introduced from McDonald's and Wendy after PETA targeted them; Petco stopped selling some exotic pets; and Polo Ralph Lauren says it will no longer use fur. Avon, Està © e Lauder, Benetton, and Tonka Toy Co. all stopped testing the product on animals, the Pentagon stopped shooting pigs and goats in a wound test, and the slaughterhouse in Texas was closed.

As part of its anti-bull action, PETA members have infiltrated hundreds of fashion shows in the US and Europe and one in China, throwing red paint on the catwalk and unfurling banners. Celebrities and supermodels have posed naked for the "I'm Better Go Naked Than Wear Fur" group campaign - some men, but mostly women - sparked criticism from some feminist animal rights advocates. The New Yorker wrote that PETA activists had crawled through the streets of Paris wearing foot traps and throwing money soaked in fake blood at the International Fur Fair. They were sometimes involved in throwing cakes - in January 2010, Canadian lawmaker Gerry Byrne compared them with terrorists for throwing cream pie know to Canadian fisheries minister Gail Shea in protest against a seal massacre, Newkirk's commentary called a silly beating exercise.. "The thing is, we make them gawk," he said to Satya magazine, "probably like a traffic accident you should see."

PETA also objected to the practice of mulesing (removing strips of woolen leather pads from around the buttocks). In October 2004, PETA launched a boycott of the Australian wool industry, leading several clothing retailers to ban products using Australian wool from their stores. In response, the Australian wool industry sued PETA, arguing among other things that mulesing prevents flies, a very painful disease that can affect sheep. A settlement was reached, and PETA agreed to stop the boycott, while the wool industry agreed to seek alternatives for mulesing.

In 2011, PETA named five orcas as plaintiffs and sued SeaWorld for animal detention, seeking their protection under the Third Amendment. A federal judge heard the case and fired him in early 2012. In August 2014, SeaWorld announced that they were building a new orca tank that was almost twice the size available to provide more space for the whales. PETA responded that "the larger prison is still a prison." By 2016, SeaWorld has admitted sending its employees to act as activists to spy on PETA. After an investigation by an outside law firm, the SeaWorld Board of Directors directs management to end the practice.

Patricia de Leon worked with PETA in 2011 to reduce support for bullfighting among Hispanics.

Some campaigns are very controversial. Newkirk was criticized in 2003 for sending a letter to PLO leader Yasser Arafat asking him to keep animals away from the conflict, after the donkey was blown up during an attack on Jerusalem. The 2003 "Holocaust on the Plate" exhibition by the group - eight 60-square-foot panels (5.6 m 2 ) juxtaposed images of Holocaust victims with carcasses of animals and animals transported to slaughter - criticized by the Anti- Pollution, which says, "an attempt by Map to compare systematic systematic killings of millions of Jews to animal rights issues is disgusting" and "[r] them rather than deepening our hatred of what the Nazis do to Jews, this project will weaken the struggle for understand the Holocaust and find ways to ensure such disasters never happen again. "In July 2010, the Federal Constitutional Court of Germany ruled that the PETA campaign was not protected by freedom of speech laws and banned it in Germany as a violation of human dignity. The exhibition, however, has been funded by an anonymous Jewish philanthropist and was created by Matt Prescott, who lost several relatives in the Holocaust. Prescott says: "The same mindset that makes the Holocaust possible - that we can do whatever we want to the people we decide 'different or lower' - is what allows us to commit atrocities against animals every day... The fact is, all animals feel pain, fear, and loneliness.We ask people to recognize that what Jews and others experience in the Holocaust is what animals experience every day on the farm. "And the analogy between animal rights and the Holocaust has been initiated by prominent Jewish writer Isaac Bashevis Singer. In 2005, the NAACP criticized "Are Animals the New Slaves?" exhibit, which shows images of African-American slaves, Native Americans, child laborers, and women, along with chained elephants and slaughtered cows.

MAP "It's still going on" features a newspaper ad campaign that compares highly publicized cases of cannibalization of murder to animal deaths in slaughterhouses. The campaign has attracted significant media attention, controversy and generated angry responses from family members of victims. The ad released in 1991 describes the deaths of serial killers Jeffrey Dahmer, in 2002 describing the deaths of the victims of serial killer Robert William Pickton, and in 2008 described the assassination of Tim McLean. In some cases, newspapers refuse to run ads.

The group has also been criticized for targeting his message to young people. "Your Mommy Kills Animals" featured a cartoon of a woman who attacked a rabbit with a knife. To reduce milk consumption, it creates "Got Beer?" campaign, parody of the milk industry series Got Milk? ad, featuring a celebrity with "mustache" milk on his upper lip. When the mayor of New York, Rudy Giuliani, was diagnosed with prostate cancer in 2000, PETA photographed it with a white mustache and the words "Got prostate cancer?" to illustrate their claim that dairy products contribute to cancer, an advertisement that causes protests in the United States. After PETA placed ads in school newspapers that linked milk with acne, obesity, heart disease, cancer, and stroke, Mothers Against Drunk Driving and college officials complained it encouraged underage drinking; The English Standard Ad authority requests that ads be stopped after complaints from interest groups such as the National Farmers' Union.

In August 2011, it was announced that PETA would launch a soft pornography website in domain. PETA spokesman Lindsay Rajt told the Huffington Post, "We tried to use every outlet to keep animals," adding that "We are careful about what we do and will not use nudity or some of our tactics which is cooler if we do not know they work. "PETA also uses nudity in the" Veggie Love "ad prepared for the Super Bowl only to be blocked by the network. PETA's work has attracted the anger of some feminists who argue that organizations sacrifice women's rights to press their agenda. Lindsay Beyerstein criticized PETA for saying "They are people who draw a disturbing analogy between pornography, hatred for women, and animal cruelty."

Other campaigns are less confrontational and more funny. In 2008, he launched the "Save the Sea Kittens" campaign to change the name of the fish to "sea kittens" to give them a positive image, and regularly asked the city to adopt a new name. It was campaigned in 1996 for a new name for Fishkill, New York, and in April 2003 offered a free vegan burger to Hamburg, New York, if it would call itself Veggieburg.

PETA sometimes issues isolated statements or press releases, commenting on current events. After Lady Gaga wore a meat-made dress in 2010, PETA issued a statement rejecting the dress. After a fisherman in Florida was bitten by a shark in 2011, PETA proposed an ad showing human shell bites, under the title "Payback Is Hell, Go Vegan". The proposed ad attracts criticism from the wounded fisherman's relatives. After Minnesota dentist Walter Palmer admitted that he had killed Cecil the lion in Zimbabwe in 2015, PETA president, Newkirk, issued a statement on behalf of PETA where he said: "Hunting is a cowardly hobby.If, as has been reported, his teeth and guides lure Cecil out of the park with food so shooting him in private property, because shooting him in the park would be illegal, he should be extradited, sued, and, preferably, hanged. "

Secret job

PETA sends its staff undercover to research laboratories, factory farms, and circuses to document the treatment of animals. Researchers can spend months as a facility employee, making copies of documents and using hidden cameras. In 2007, they have conducted 75 such investigations. It also generates videos based on material collected during ALF attacks. Some undercover attempts have led to lawsuits or government action against companies and universities. PETA itself faced legal action in April 2007 after the owner of a chinchilla farm in Michigan complained about a secret investigation there, but the judge decided to support PETA that an incognito investigation may become legitimate.

One of the leading cases led to a 26 minute film produced by PETA in 1984, Unnecessary Madness . The film is based on 60 hours of recording of researchers obtained by ALF during an attack at the head injury clinic of the University of Pennsylvania. The footage shows the researchers laughing at baboons as they inflict brain damage on them with a hydraulic device intended to simulate whiplash. Animal veterinarian Larry Carbone writes that researchers openly discuss how a baboon is awake before a head injury, despite protocols for anesthesia. Subsequent publicity led to suspension of funds from universities, major veterinary dismissals, laboratory closings, and probation for the university.

In 1990, two PETA activists acted as Carolina Biological employees, where they took pictures and video footage inside the company, alleging that the cats were being treated improperly. After the release of the PETA tape, the USDA conducted its own inspections and then charged the company with seven violations of the Animal Welfare Act. Four years later, an administrative judge ruled that Carolina Biological had committed no offense.

In 1990, Bobby Berosini, a Las Vegas entertainer, lost a wildlife license and (on appeal) a lawsuit later against PETA, after the group broadcast his disguised film slapping and punching orangutans in 1989. In 1997, a PETA investigation inside Huntingdon Life Sciences (HLS), a contract animal testing company, produces film staff in the UK who beat dogs, and what seems to be misusing monkeys at a company's New Jersey facility. After a videotape aired on British television in 1999, a group of activists set up Hunt Hunt Histache Animal Huntingdon to close the HLS, a continuing campaign.

In 1999, a grand jury of North Carolina handed over charges against pig farm workers at Belcross Farm in Camden County, the first indictment for animal cruelty at a factory farm in the United States, after a three-month PETA investigation resulted in a film of workers. beating animals. In 2004, PETA published the results of an eight month undercover investigation at the West Virginia Privin Pilgrim nursing home supplying chicken to KFC. The New York Times reported the investigation as showing workers stepping on live chickens, throwing dozens of pieces onto the wall, tearing heads from chickens to write graffiti, choking someone with latex gloves, and squeezing the birds until they explode. Yum Brands, the owner of KFC, called the video terrible and threatened to stop buying from Pilgrim's Pride if no changes were made. Pilgrim's Pride then fired 11 employees and introduced an anti-cruel pledge for workers to sign.

In 2004 and 2005, PETA took a picture inside Covance, an animal testing company in the US and Europe, which seems to indicate that apes are being treated improperly at company facilities in Vienna, Virginia. According to The Washington Post, PETA said an employee of the group filmed the primates there choking, beating, and being denied medical attention when badly wounded. After PETA submitted a video and 253 pages of complaints to the US Department of Agriculture, Covance was fined $ 8,720 for 16 citations, three of which involved lab monkeys; Other citations involve administrative and equipment issues. The company said there were no pervasive or endemic problems and had taken corrective action. In 2005, Covance started a lawsuit demanding PETA with fraud, breach of employee contracts, and conspiracy to undermine the company's business but did not continue.

PETA also disguised as a circus. In 2006, they filmed coaches at Carson & amp; Barnes Circus - including Tim Frisco, director of animal care - a striking elephant while yelling at them. The Washington Post writes that the video shows Frisco shouting, "Make them scream!". A company spokesman dismissed PETA's concerns as "a utopian philosophical ideology" but said the circus would no longer use electricity.

PETA investigated angora rabbit breeding in China in 2013. As reported by CBS News about the resulting video recording, "In the video, a high-pitched rabbit's scream can be heard as farmers tear their wool until the animal is bald. The rabbit is then thrown back to their cages and seemed stunned and shocked. "PETA claims that 90 percent of the world's angora comes from China, and the retailer who brought angora originally did not comment to CBS. Over the next two years, due to investigations, more than 70 retailers, including H & amp; M, Topshop, and Inditex (the world's largest retailer), stop using angora. Inditex donated its angora product, worth $ 878,000, to Syrian refugees.

Between 2012 and 2014, PETA investigated the sheep sheep warehouse used by the wool industry in Australia and the US, revealing "evidence of widespread animal abuse". In Australia, the group "sent three secret investigators to 19 different sheep warehouses run by nine different contractors in three states." As reported by NBC News, "PETA alleged that in Australia, workers for seven contractors kicked, stomped or stood on the heads of animals neck and hind legs, while workers for eight contractors hit or hit sheep with scissors A worker allegedly hit the sheep above heads with a hammer - workers for five contractors allegedly throwing sheep and or banging their heads and bodies onto the floor. "PETA also sent investigators to" 25 farms in Wyoming, Colorado, Utah and Nebraska "and then" asked the local government in two counties of Colorado for filed criminal charges against certain shavers for alleged abuse actions witnessed on two farms. " Moffat County Sheriff Tim Jantz called the video evidence "very apprehensive" and launched an investigation.

In 2014, PETA conducted an undercover investigation into the horse racing industry, recording seven hours of footage which, The New York Times reported, "shows the persecution of horses becoming widespread and arrogant." Renowned coach Steve Asmussen and his assistant coach, Scott Blasi, are accused of "subduing their horses with cruel and harmful treatment, giving them drugs for nontherapeutic purposes, and having one of their jockeys using electric tools to shock a horse to run faster." The newspaper noted that this investigation "is PETA's first significant step in advocacy in the world of horse racing." In November 2015, as a result of the PETA investigation, Asmussen was fined $ 10,000 by the New York State Game Commission. Robert Williams, executive commission director, said, "We recognize PETA to play a role in bringing the changes necessary to make the race purer more secure and fairer for all." Instead, the Kentucky Horse Racing Commission, which also received PETA allegations, found that Asmussen did not violate any of its rules. Asmussen is still under investigation by the US Department of Labor for allegedly violating the Fair Labor Standard Act in 1938. After a thorough investigation, the Kentucky Race Commission did not file charges against Asmussen, claiming the allegations "have no factual or scientific basis. "While the fines from the New York State Game Commission are for minor infractions, the most serious allegations are deemed unfounded.

Also in 2014, PETA investigates China's dog leather trade in Jiangsu province. As reported by Daily Mirror , "PETA has obtained a recording showing the workers grabbing the frightened dogs with metal traps, hitting them and then slitting their throats....Video recordings are too vivid to show here and very sad to watch. "The paper also noted that" this is the first time that Chinese dog leather production has been captured on camera. " PETA claims that "[p] roducts made from dog leather are exported worldwide to be sold to unsuspecting customers."

By 2015, as reported by The Washington Post, PETA investigates Sweet Stem Farm, a pig farm that supplies meat to Whole Foods. The resulting video footage "shows a picture of a pig, some people suspected of being sick and not given the appropriate treatment, compacted into a hot pen and handled rudely by the employee," contrary to the own portrait of the farm itself and Whole Foods' claim of "human flesh "(the term that PETA defends is an oxymoron). The Post notes that "[i] n after the PETA investigation, Whole Foods has removed the Sweet Stem video from its Web site." PETA then filed a class action lawsuit against Whole Foods, "alleging that the chain claims about the amount of animal welfare for 'fake.' "The lawsuit was dismissed by a federal judge, who decided that store signage" as big as allowed to "deny" "and that" the statement that "no cage" was used to raise broiler chickens was not misleading simply because Whole Foods failed also revealed that poultry suppliers usually do not use cage in the first place. "

Other PETA investigations from around this time are focused on crocodiles and crocodile farms in Texas and Zimbabwe, Florida monkey breeding facilities, pigeon racing in Taiwan, ostrich-leather and tannery-cutting houses in South Africa, and dairy farms in North Carolina, where cows "wading through the knees through thousands of gallons of their own waste."

CBS News reported in November 2016 that PETA has captured footage of a restaurant serving the lives of octopus, shrimp, and other marine animals. The group video showed "the octopus writhing as its limbs were cut by a chef at T Equals Fish, a sushi restaurant in Los Angeles." PETA notes that octopuses "are considered among the smartest invertebrates" and "capable of feeling pain like a pig or a rabbit."

In December 2016, PETA released a videotape of the investigation at Texas A & amp; M University, which deliberately breeds dogs to contract muscular dystrophy. PETA claims that for "35 years, the dog has suffered in a cruel muscle dystrophy experiment... that does not produce healing or treatment to reverse the course of muscular dystrophy in humans." The Houston Press noted that "Texas A & M has been less transparent about research, and in some cases denied that dogs experienced pain or discomfort." Among other efforts, PETA puts billboards against animal-ineffective research.

Bio Corporation, a company that supplies dead animals for study and dissection, was the subject of PETA's undercover investigation in November 2017. It claimed that videotapes showed workers at the company's facility in Alexandria, Minnesota "drowning the fully conscious pigeons, injecting live crayfish with latex and claim that they will sometimes freeze turtles to death. " PETA carries 25 counts of animal cruelty against the company. Drowning is not considered an acceptable form of euthanasia, according to the American Veterinary Medical Association, and human euthanasia standards must be followed by companies certified by the US Department of Agriculture such as Bio Corporation. On April 18, 2018, the case was dismissed and all charges were dropped based on the assessment of the Columbia City Attorney's Office that allegations of cruelty to pigeons or crayfish were not sufficiently supported. Daniel Paden, director of PETA evidence analysis, said that PETA "reviewed its options to protect animals killed at Bio Corporaton."

On May 1, 2018, PETA released an investigation into the mohair industry that led more than 80 retailers, including UNIQLO and Zappos, to drop products made with mohair. Video evidence "describes a goat thrown around a wooden floor, immersed in a toxic cleaning solution or whose ears are mutilated with pliers.... [E] mployees are shown cutting goat's throat, breaking their necks, shocking them and decapitating them."

Law of Ag-gag

Various countries, including Arkansas, Idaho, Iowa, Kansas, Missouri, Montana, North Carolina, North Dakota and Utah, have passed the so-called "ag-gag" law to prevent PETA and other groups from conducting investigations into operational disguises that use animals. But PETA and the animal welfare coalition carry a lawsuit, "citing the protection of the First Amendment for free speech," against Idaho that annuls the state "ag-gag" law in August 2015, sets a precedent that may help undo this law in other countries. PETA, ALDF, and other groups are also currently demanding the states of Utah, North Carolina, and Iowa. Law "Ag-gag" has been widely promoted by the conservative think tank of the American Legislative Exchange Council (ALEC).

In July 2017, a federal judge ruled the law of utah shocks as a violation of the First Amendment Constitution, in cases filed against the state by PETA and ALDF. Idaho appealed the missing case, at the Ninth Circuit Court of Appeals, but lost again in January 2018, after a two-year legal battle, as the judge ruled that part of the law was "surprisingly overbroad" and "classic example of content-based restrictions which can not survive strict supervision. "The Boise Weekly notes that the panel of judges" upholds the legal section about getting a job under false pretenses, but is coming down hard on the provision of criminalizing video recording or photographing inside an agricultural facility in Idaho. "

Put the animals at the shelter

PETA opposes the non-murder movement, attempts to overcome the animal crisis-overpopulation at its source through spaying and neutering companion animals and by opposing breeder and puppy factories, adopting animal transfers to open shelters, and the euthanasia of most animals ending in " last shelter ". According to a recent filing in 2014 with the Virginia Department of Agriculture and Consumer Services (VDACS), PETA put 81 percent of the animals that end up in their shelters. According to VDACS, PETA took 3,017 animals to its shelter in 2014, of which 2,455 in eutasia, 162 were adopted, 353 were released to other shelters, and 6 were taken back by the original owners. The group justifies the euthanasia policy on animals that are not adopted by saying that it takes a wild cat colony with diseases like AIDS cats and leukemia, stray dogs, parvo infected puppies and backyard dogs and says that it would be unrealistic. to follow a "no kill" policy in that sort of thing. PETA offers free euthanasia services to countries that kill unwanted animals through gassing or firing - the group recommends intravenous use of intravenous pentobarbital sodium if administered by a trained professional and for animals that are seriously ill or dying when euthanasia in a vet unreachable. The group recommends not to breed the pit bull and support euthanasia in certain situations for animals in shelters: for example, for those living for long periods in narrow cages.

PETA operations from animal shelters have attracted the attention of lawmakers and critics of animal rights activists. In 2015, the Virginia General Assembly issued measures aimed at restricting its sanctuary operations that barely sought to save animals. Senate Bill 1381 of Virginia, adopted in March 2015, defines an animal shelter as "a facility operated for the purpose of finding a permanent host house for animals." PETA opposes the law and risks losing access to lull drugs if they do not meet the requirements.

In 2008, the industry lobby group Consumer Freedom Center (CCF) formally petitioned the VDACS, requesting the official reclassification of PETA as a slaughterhouse. The CCF said in a news release that "[an] official report filed by PETA itself shows that animal rights groups killed almost every dog, cat and other pets taken for adoption in 2006." A spokesman for VDACS said that they had considered changing the status of PETA from "shelter" to "euthanasia clinics," citing PETA's desire to handle animals that would not be accommodated by other shelters.

PETA has promoted legal initiatives to enforce existing euthanasia laws. In 1990, Georgia's Humane Euthanasia Act became one of the first laws in the country that required intravenous injection of intravenous pentobarbital sodium as the prescribed method of lulling cats and dogs at a Georgia animal shelter. Before that time, gas chambers and other means were generally used. Georgia Agriculture Commissioner Tommy Irvin is assigned to license shelters and enforce new laws, through the Department's Division of Wildlife Protection. However, Commissioner Irvin failed to comply with legal provisions, and instead continued to license gas chambers. PETA contacted the author of the original law, and in March 2007, the Department of Agriculture and the Commissioner of Georgia Irvin were sued by former Chesley State Representative V. Morton. The Fulton County High Court ruled in favor of the plaintiffs, validating the provisions of the Human Euthanasia Act, with orders prohibiting departments from issuing licenses to shelters using gas chambers in violation of the law. When the department continued to license a gas chamber in Cobb County, a second court action was filed, which resulted in the department being insulted.

Legal process

Two PETA employees were released in 2007 for animal cruelty after at least 80 euthanized animals were left in trash at a shopping center in Ahoskie for one month in 2005; both employees were seen leaving 18 dead animals, and 13 others found in their vans. The animals have been euthanized after being removed from shelters in the Northampton and Bertie areas. Bertie County's Sheriff Deputy stated that both employees assured Bertie Animal Shelter that "they take the dog to bring them back to Norfolk where they will find them a good home." During the trial, Daphna Nachminovitch, supervisor of the PETA Community Animal Project, said PETA started putting animals at some of the North Carolina rural shelters after finding shelters that kill animals in ways considered inhumane mappings, including by shooting them. He also stated that animal dumping does not follow the PETA policy.

In November 2014, a resident of Accomack County, Virginia, produced video evidence that two workers in a van marked with a PETA logo had entered his property in a trailer park and brought his dog, which was then euthanized. He reported the incident to the police, who identified and charged two PETA workers, but the indictment was then dropped by the commonwealth lawyer on the grounds that it was impossible to prove criminal intent. The trailer park manager has contacted PETA after a group of residents moved in, leaving their dog behind, which is why the workers are on property. The state then ruled that PETA violated state law by not ensuring that Chihuahua, who was not wearing a collar or a sign, was correctly identified and failed to keep the dog for five days before euthanizing the animal. Citing "the severity of these errors in the assessment," the Ministry of Agriculture and Consumer Services issued the first ever violation MAP and imposed a $ 500 fine. The contract worker who had taken the dog was fired by PETA.

Video game

PETA has also produced a variety of Flash games featuring its campaigns, including a parody of Cooking Mama , Super Mario Bros. , Super Meat Boy , and Pokémon , to spread his message about animal welfare, vegetarianism and veganism.

One of the main satirical games, called Super Chick Sisters, parodied Super Mario Bros., was released in December 2007, to spread the idea of ​​Kentucky Fried Cruelty. In the game, KFC and especially Colonel Sanders is described as evil and self-serving. The sequel, New Super Chick Sisters, featuring McDonald's and Ronald McDonald as criminals, was released in December 2009, in criticism of how McDonald McNuggets were made. PETA claimed that McDonald's chickens had been badly treated and said, "There are less cruel slaughter methods available today that would eliminate these violations, but McDonald's refuses to ask US and Canadian suppliers to switch to it."

In November 2011, another satirical game was released featuring a tanuki tanuki chasing after Mario to reclaim her feathers from her. It is widely criticized as "unreasonable and unexamined" by the gaming community, prompting PETA to explain that it is an unreasonable attempt to draw attention to the real-life problem of skinned tanuki alive.

Not all critical responses to games are not profitable. Mike Fahey from Kotaku argues that the New Super Chick Sisters managed to become a rather capable platformer despite the heavy messages. " Nikole Zivalich of G4TV called Super Tofu Boy is actually a pretty good time-waster "and, since he is a vegetarian, confess" to the Know Team. " Overall, Mike Splechta of GameZone stated that "some are less flatter than others, but they tend to express their opinions." He also calls the "Cage Fight" kickass ", praises his plot and chiptune soundtrack, and encourages readers to play it.

In some cases, original game creators have responded to PETA parody. Such responses included the Meat Super Meat The meat developer team added Tofu Boy as a playable character in the Super Meat Boy update , Majesco responded to Cooking Mama: Mama Kills Animals about fake information about the behavior of game characters, and Nintendo criticizes the misuse of its intellectual property with PETA's Pokémon mon & Blue game.

Person of the year

Each year, PETA chooses "Person of the Year" which has helped advance the cause of animal rights. In 2015, as reported by Time magazine, the group chose Pope Francis, who took his name from the patron saint of animals, St. Francis Assisi. Ingrid Newkirk notes, "With more than a billion Catholics around the world, animal-friendly Pope Francis has a huge audience." The PETA people earlier this year included Bill Clinton, Oprah Winfrey, Russell Simmons, and Ricky Gervais. Recent choices include Mary Matalin in 2016 and the first non-human pick, Naruto ape, subject to copyright dispute of apes, by 2017.

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Live action and ALF

Newkirk explicitly supported his direct action, writing that no movement for social change had ever worked without what he called the militarist component: "The thinker can prepare for the revolution," he writes about the ALF in 2004, "but the bandits must carry it out."

In 2004 The Observer described what is called a network of relationships between animal rights groups that appear to be unconnected on both sides of the Atlantic, writes that, with assets of $ 6.5 million, and with the MAP Foundation holding a further asset of $ 15 million, PETA is funding a number of activists and groups - some with links to militant groups, including ALF, which the FBI calls a domestic terrorist threat. American writer Don Liddick writes that PETA gave $ 1,500 to Earth Liberation Front in 2001 - Newkirk said the donation was a mistake, and that the money was intended for public education about habitat destruction, but Liddick wrote that he went to legal entities. defense of Craig Rosebraugh, ELF spokesman. In the same year, according to The Observer , PETA awarded a $ 5,000 grant to American animal rights activist Josh Harper, an arson supporter.

According to Liddick, PETA has a substantial relationship with American ALF activist Rod Coronado. He alleged that two Federal Express packages were sent to addresses in Bethesda, Maryland, before and after the 1992 fire at Michigan State University that Coronado was convicted of arrangements, reported as part of "Operation Bite Back", a series of ALF attacks on the American animal testing facility in 1990 -an. The first package was taken by a PETA employee, Maria Blanton, and the second was intercepted by the authorities, which identified the handwriting as belonging to Coronado. Liddick writes that the package contains documents removed from the university and videotapes of one of the perpetrators. When they ransacked Blanton's home, police found some animal release pardons, including code names for Coronado and Alex Pacheco - PETA co-founders - break-ins, two-way radios, and fake identification. Liddick also wrote that PETA gave Coronado $ 45,000 for his legal bills and $ 25,000 to his father.

Newkirk is a strong proponent of direct action that removes animals from laboratories and other facilities - he told The Los Angeles Times in 1992 that when he heard someone enter the lab and walk out with the animals he was heart sings. Newkirk commented to the Chronicle of Higher Education in 1999, "When you see the rejection of basic humane treatment and in recognition of the social needs of animals, I am amazed that the laboratory is not entirely burned down, if I have more courage, I will light a match."

In an interview for Wikinews (brother project from Wikipedia which is a news site) in 2007, he said he had been asked by other animal protection groups to condemn illegal acts. "And I will not do it, because if it was my man, I would be happy." But he added that he does not support burning. "I prefer these buildings do not stand, so I think at some level I understand.I just do not like the idea, but maybe it's my wishes, because I do not want those buildings standing if they hurt anyone. Why do you keep [building] just so someone can make a profit by continuing to hurt and kill individuals who feel the same as us? "

Neutering, backyard dog, worker animal, and pet

PETA runs several programs through the Animal Community Project for cats and dogs in poor Virginia areas, near its headquarters. By 2014, the group sterilizes 10,950 cats and dogs, including 851 pit bulls and 584 wild cats, at discounted or free rates. PETA also overshadows the sick and wounded dogs and cats, pursues cases of cruelty, and erects dog houses with straw beds for dogs chained outside all winter. It supplies 340 dog homes, 1,000 bales of hay, and 2,500 dog toys in 2013. The group urges population control through sterilization and adoption of shelters and campaigns against organizations such as the American Kennel Club that promote the election of breeds of breeds.

PETA takes the following positions on dogs and cats:

In a perfect world, animals will be free to live their full lives, raise their children and follow their natural instincts in their original environment. Dogs and pet cats, however, can not live "free" in our concrete jungle, so we are responsible for their care. People with time, money, love, and patience to make a lifetime commitment to animals can make a big difference by adopting animals from shelters or saving an animal from a dangerous life on the streets.

Newkirk has stated that he does not use the word "pet," prefers the term "companion animal," and describes PETA's vision:

For one thing, we no longer allow seeding. One can not create different offspring. There will be no pet shop. If people have companion animals in their homes, the animal must become a refugee from animal shelters and streets. You will have a protective relationship with them just as you are with an orphan. But as surplus cats and dogs (artificially engineered by forcible breeding) decline, eventually companion animals will be removed, and we will return to a more symbiotic relationship - distant enjoyment.

PETA writes that millions of dogs spend their lives chained outside in all weather conditions or are confined in cages and wire enclosures in puppy factories, and even in good homes, the animals are often not well cared for. They want to see the population of dogs and cats reduced through sterilization and for people who never buy animals from pet stores or breeders, but to adopt them from shelters instead. PETA supported a hearing dog program in which animals were taken from shelters and housed in decent homes but did not support the eye-dog-seeing program because, according to one group vice-president, "[T] the dog was raised as if there were no dog who are equally bright people who are really dying for a home in a shelter. "PETA also opposes storing fish in an aquarium, indicating that people watch fish computer videos instead.

Animal testing

PETA opposes animal testing - whether toxicity testing, basic or applied research, or for education and training - on a moral and practical basis. Newkirk told the Vogue magazine in 1989 that even if animal testing produces a cure for AIDS, PETA will oppose it. The group also believes that it is wasteful, unreliable, and irrelevant to human health, because artificially caused diseases in animals are not identical to human disease. They say that experiments on animals are often excessive and lack accountability, oversight, and regulation. They promote alternatives, including embryonic stem cell research and in vitro cell research. PETA employees themselves have volunteered for human vaccine testing; Scott Van Valkenburg, Director of the group's Grand Prize, said in 1999 that he volunteered to test people against the HIV vaccine.


PETA opposes the use of animals to produce clothing made of fur, leather, wool, or silk. It also opposes the use of descend from birds and the use of silk from silkworms or spiders. The group noted on its website: "Every year millions of animals are killed for the clothing industry - all in the name of fashion.Whether clothing comes from Chinese feather farms, Indian slaughterhouses, or Australian outback, the infinite number of suffering goes into every jacket that trimmed feathers, leather belts, and woolen sweaters. "The ongoing group's campaign against the use of animals for clothing includes" Ink, Not Mink, "which highlights celebrity pictures with tattoos, including Brandon Flowers from San Diego Chargers and many others.

Controversy of autism and milk products

According to, PETA has a "history (as the old saying goes) using science as a hangover using lampposts - for support rather than illumination.That way they are typical of ideological groups They have an agenda, they are very open about their beliefs, marshal any argument they can to promote their point of view. "

PETA claims on its website that "scientific research has shown that many autistic children increase dramatically when they go on a diet that is free from dairy foods."

Studies like this have been around for decades and are mainly centered around the concept that behavioral differences between people with autism and neurotypical can be observed through a gluten-free diet. According to

Behavior in children, especially those facing the challenges of autism, can become unpredictable. Unpredictable and varied symptoms make confirmatory bias, with a strong tendency to lead to anecdotal experience that whatever is sought is real. For example, many parents believe that sugar makes their children hyperactive, which is not true. [...] Proof of influence on weak behavior and possibly unreal. Nor is there any reliable evidence to suggest that casein plays a causal role in autism. The evidence is so strong that autism is a genetic disorder. [...] This is clear, in my opinion, the fear campaign is based on the rough distortion of scientific evidence. The goal is to advocate the vegan diet, which is in line with their ideological agenda. They may realize that it is easier to spread fear than to convince by careful analysis of scientific evidence.

Although the website cites the study, this outdated, obscure study, depending on the very small sample size of children, is a single-blind test (which can be severely affected by experimental bias), and correlation is conjugated with cause-and-effect. Billboards prepared by PETA that promote this research are also considered offensive by many autistic individuals.

Wild animal conservation personality

PETA is highly critical of the television personality they call self-professed wildlife warriors, arguing that while conservation messages begin to spread, some dangerous acts for animals, such as attacking animal houses, nettle them, subjugating them to stressful environments, and grappling with them - often involving young animals that the group says to be with their mothers. In 2006 when Steve Irwin died, PETA's vice president, Dan Mathews said that Irwin had a career as an antagonist of frightened wild animals. Australian Parliament Member Bruce Scott said PETA should apologize to Irwin's family and the rest of Australia.

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Asia-Pacific MAP

The Asia-Pacific PET was founded by Ingrid Newkirk in Hong Kong in 2005 to support animal rights programs and campaigns in Asia. Jason Baker, a former PETA staff member involved in the establishment of Indian MAP and PETA Australia, was the first director of the Asia-Pacific PETA. His offices are in Hong Kong and Manila. It works through public education, animal cruel investigation, research, animal rescue, legislation, special events, celebrity engagements, and protest campaigns. His campaign includes countries including China, Japan, Malaysia, and South Korea.

Vegetarian/vegan/factory farm

The Asia-Pacific PETA promotes vegetarian and vegan diets through three special campaigns: education on the benefits of a vegetarian diet, demonstrations and celebrity engagements with fast food outlets, and animal disguise investigations used for life transportation and traditional religious slaughter. The organization also uses Women Lettuce PETA in local demonstrations. The Asia-Pacific MAP regularly conducts demonstrations against KFC outlets to promote better care for chickens used by companies.


The Asia-Pacific PETA supports the PETA campaign, "I Better Go Naked Instead of Wearing Fur," in which celebrities appear nude to express their refusal to wear fur. The group also held an anti-feathering event to publicize his opposition to feathers. The Asia-Pacific PETA has been involved in several undercover investigations on feather farms in China.

Animals used for entertainment

The group regularly protests the use of animals in entertainment, including the circus. This demonstration is specific to the area, including anti-bull riding, does not raise wild animals in chains, and stops animal-animal wrestling matches.

Other campaigns

The Asia-Pacific PET also coordinates protests against the use of other animals believed to be rough, including rats, which seek to improve care, and also support improvements for companion animals. In 2016, the Asia-Pacific PETA surprised customers with a fake pop-up store in Bangkok called The Leather Work, which seems to specialize in "luxury" leather bags, shoes, and other apparel and accessories. But inside they looked like meat, muscle, heart beat, and blood of animals slaughtered for such things. According to Asian Correspondent , the action caused the buyer to jump back and gasp in horror. PETA claims "have found workers on crocodile farms 'sawing open reptile necks while the animals are alive'" and that "vicious snakes and lizards 'nailed to a tree' or 'decapitated' before being 'skinned alive'."

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Indian MAP

The Mumbai-based PETA India was established in January 2000. According to the group's website, it basically focuses on "investigative work, public education efforts, research, animal rescue, legislative work, special events, celebrity engagements and national media coverage. "

The group has launched an investigation into the events of jallikattu, a circus that uses animals in the show, and dirty stables in Mumbai, among others. The investigation of 16 circuses in India over a period of nine months "reveals that the animals used in the circus are subjected to chronic confinement, physical torture, and psychological torture" and also led the Indian Animal Welfare Council to "prohibit the registration of elephants for performances." considering the cruelty and violence they suffered. "


Source of the article : Wikipedia
