Calendar Armenia is a calendar traditionally used in Armenia and still used by Armenian Apostolic Church and Armenian Catholic Church.
The older Armenian calendar is based on a 365-day invariant year. Consequently, the correspondence between it and both the sun's year and the Julian calendar is slowly drifting over time, shifting throughout the Julian calendar year once in 1,461 calendar years (see Sothic cycle). Thus, the year of Armenia 1461 (Gregorian 2010/2011) completed the first full cycle.
The Armenian Year 1 begins on July 11, 552 of the Julian calendar, and Armenian year 1462 begins on July 11, 2012 from the Julian calendar which coincides with July 24, 2012 of the Gregorian calendar.
An analytical expression of the Armenian date includes the ancient name of Sunday, the Christian name of the day of the week, named Day of the Moon, Date, Month, Number year after 552 A.D. and religious festivals.
Armenian calendar is divided into 12 months each 30 days, plus five (epagomenal) additions are called aweleac? ("useless"). The year is usually given in Armenian numerals, the letters of the Armenian alphabet are preceded by the abbreviation ?? for t 'vin "in years" (for example, ?? ???? "in 1455").
Video Armenian calendar
The names of Armenian months show the influence of the Zoroastrian calendar, and, as noted by Antoine Meillet, the influence of Kartvelian in two cases. There are different systems for transliterating names; the form below is transliterated according to the HÃÆ'¼bschmann-Meillet-Benveniste system.
Maps Armenian calendar
Day of the month
The Armenian calendar names the days of the month instead of numbering them - a peculiarity that is also found in the Avestan calendar. The influence of Zoroastrian is evident in five names.
See also
- Armenian Numbers
- The Armenian Apostolic Church
- Zoroastrian Calendar
- Iranian calendar
- hy: ??????? ?????
External links
- Armenian calendar - Navasard August 11 (Hayk calendar)
- V. B? N ?? eanu, "Le calendrier armà © nien et les anciens noms des mois", in: Studia et Acta Orientalia 10, 1980, pp.Ã, 33-46
- Edouard Dulaurier, Recherches sur la chronologie armà © nienne et historique technique (1859), 2001 reprints ISBN 978-0-543-96647-6.
- Jost Gippert, Armenian Calendar System and Caucasian Old in The Annual of The Society for Caucasian Studies ", 1, 1989, 3-12. [1] [2]
- Louis H. Gray, About Certain Persian and Armenian Names as Affected by the Avesta Calendar , Journal of the Oriental American Society (1907)
- P '. Ingoroq'va, "Jvel-kartuli c'armartuli k'alendari" ("Ancient Georgian Calendar Calendar"), in: Sakartvelos muzeumis moambe ("Museum of Georgia Envoy"), 6, 1929-30, pp. 373-446 and 7, 1931-32, pp.Ã, 260-336
- K '. K'ek'elije, "Jveli kartuli c'elic'adi" ("The Old Georgian year"), in: St'alinis saxelobis Tbilisis Saxelmc'ipo Universit'et'is? Romebi ("The paper of the State University of Tbilisi under the name Stalin") 18, 1941, reprinted in the book "Et'iudebi jveli kartuli lit'erat'uris ist'oriidan" ("Study in the history of old literature of Georgia") 1, 1956 , p. 99 -124.
Source of the article : Wikipedia