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Game Geeks #250 Dungeons and Dragons 5th edition - YouTube

Several different editions of Dungeons & amp; Dragons ( D & amp; D ) fantasy role-playing game has been produced since 1974. Current Publisher D & amp; D , Wizards of the Coast, produces a new material just for the most recent edition of this game. Many fans D & amp; D , continue to play older game versions and some third-party companies continue to publish material compatible with this old edition.

After original edition D & amp; D was introduced in 1974, the game was divided into two branches in 1977: the light-dot system Dungeons & amp; Dragons and more complex systems, rules-heavy Advanced Dungeons & amp; Dragons ( AD & amp; D ). The standard game eventually expanded into a series of five box sets in the mid-1980s before being compiled and slightly revised in 1991 as Dungeons & amp; Dragons Rules Cyclopedia . Meanwhile, 2nd edition AD & amp; D was published in 1989. In 2000, the 3rd edition, simply called Dungeons & amp; Dragons , debuted. The 4th edition was published in 2008. The 5th edition was released in 2014.

Video Editions of Dungeons & Dragons


Maps Editions of Dungeons & Dragons

Version history

Original Dungeons & amp; Dragon

The original D & amp; D was published as a set of boxes in 1974 and only featured a handful of elements whose game is known today: only three character classes (fighting, magic users, and ulama); four races (humans, dwarves, fairies, and hobbits); only a few monsters; only three alignments (halal, neutral, and chaotic). The rule assumes that the player owns and plays miniature wargame Chainmail and uses its measurement and combat system. Optional combat systems are included in the rules which are then developed into a single combat system from newer game versions. In addition, the rules are considered to be of ownership of Outdoor Survival, a board game by an unaffiliated Avalon Hill company for outdoor exploration and adventure. D & amp; D is a very new game concept at the time, and it's hard for players without the front desk wargaming experience to understand the obscure rules. The release of the Greyhawk supplement removes game dependency on the Chainmail rules, and makes it easier for new players who do not want to talk to understand the concept of the game. It also unintentionally helps the growth of competing game publishers, as almost everyone who understands the concept behind the game can write more smoothly and more easily use the rules system and sell it to a growing fanbase. D & D ( Tunnels & Trolls being the first such).

Supplements such as Greyhawk , Blackmoor , Eldritch Wizardry and Gods, Demi-God & amp; Heroes , published over the next two years, greatly extending the rules, character classes, monsters, and spells. For example, native supplements Greyhawk introduce thief classes, and weapon damage varies with weapons (as opposed to character class). In addition, many additions and options are published in Strategy Review magazine and its replacement, The Dragon .

Advanced Dungeons & amp; Dragon

The latest version of D & amp; D was released between 1977 and 1979 as Dungeons & amp; Advanced Dragons ( AD & amp; D ). Game rules rearranged and re-codified in three hardcover rule books, compiled by Gary Gygax, incorporating original rules D & amp; D and many additions and revisions of supplements and magazine articles. The three core rule books are the Monster Manual (1977), Players Handbook (1978), and Dungeon Master's Guide (1979). The main additions include classes of supplements such as murderers, druids, monks, paladins, and thieves, while bards, illusionists and ranger, who previously only appeared in magazine articles, were added to the core rule book.

Then supplement for AD & amp; D including God & amp; Demigods (1980), Fiend Folio (another book from the semi-autonomous semi-autonomous monster in England - 1981), Monster Manual II (1983), Oriental Adventures and Unearthed Arcana (1985), the last of most compiled material previously published in Dragon \/i> magazine, and others.

Dungeons & amp; Dragons Basic Set and revisions

While AD & amp; D is still in process, TSR is approached by outside authors and D & amp; D , John Eric Holmes, who offers to re-edit and rewrite the original rules to the introduction version D & amp; D . Although TSR focuses on AD & amp; D at the time, the project was seen as a profitable company and a way to direct new players to anticipate the release of AD & amp; D game. It was published in July 1977 as the Basic Set , collected together and set the rules from the original box set D & amp; D and Greyhawk into a small booklet, which includes character levels of 1 to 3, and includes dice and beginner modules. This booklet features a blue cover with artwork by David C. Sutherland III. The "Blue booklet" explains the concept of game and game methods in terms of making it accessible to new players who are not familiar with the wargaming miniature tabletop. Unusual features of this version include an alignment system of five alignments that conflict with three or nine alignments from other versions. Basic Set is very popular and lets many people find and feel the game <&> D & amp; D for the first time. Although Basic Set is not fully compatible with AD & amp; D , since some rules are simplified to make games easier for new players to learn, players are expected to continue playing beyond the third level by switching to the AD & amp; D .

After AD & amp; D was released, Basic Set saw a major revision in 1981 by Tom Moldvay, soon followed by the release of Set of Experts written by David Cook, to accompany < i> Basic Set , extending it to levels 4 through 14, for players who prefer a simplified introductory rule. With this revision, the Basic rule becomes their own game, different from the original D & amp; D and AD & amp; D . The revised rule Basic can be distinguished from the original by the cover color: the Basic booklet has a red cover, and the blue Expert booklet is blue one.

Between 1983 and 1985 the system was revised and expanded by Frank Mentzer as a series of five box sets, including Basic Rules (red cover), Expert Rules (blue), Rules Companion (green, support level 15 to 25), Main Rules (black, support level 26 to 36), and Eternal Rules (gold, support Immortals - characters that have exceeded the level).

This version was compiled and slightly revised by Aaron Allston in 1991 as Rules Cyclopedia , a hardback book that included all devices except Immortals Rules discontinued and replaced with Wrath of the Immortals set of accessory boxes. While the Cyclopedia Rule includes all the information needed to start the game, there's a revised introductory set box named The New Easy-to-Master Dungeons & amp; Dragons Game , dubbed "the black box". The final repackaging of the introductory set, titled The Classic Dungeons & amp; Dragons Game was released in 1994. At the end of 1995, TSR ended its support for the line.

Advanced Dungeons & amp; Dragons 2nd edition

In 1987, a small team of designers at TSR led by David "Zeb" Cook began working on the second edition of the game AD & amp; D , which will take two years to complete. In 1989, Dungeons & amp; Advanced Dragons 2nd Edition is published, displaying new rules and characters.

At the end of the first decade, AD & amp; D has been expanded to several rule books, including three monsters' collections ( Monster Manual , Monster Manual II , Fiend Folio ), and two books that govern the skills of characters in the desert and underground arrangements. Gygax has planned a second edition of the game, which is also a rule update, incorporating material from Unearthed Arcana , Oriental Adventures , and many new innovations. from the Dragon magazine in the Players Handbook and Dungeon Master's Guide and will consolidate the Monster Manual , Monster Manual II and Fiend Folio into one volume. Initially, the 2nd edition was planned to consolidate the game, but more changes were made during development, while still leading to backward compatibility with the first edition.

Release AD & amp; D 2nd Edition deals with important policy changes in TSR. Attempts were made to remove aspects of the game that had attracted negative publicity, especially the removal of all mentions of demons and demons, although equivalent evil monsters were included, renamed tanar'ri and baatezu, respectively. Moving away from the moral ambiguity of the first edition AD & amp; D , TSR staff eliminates character and race classes like killers and half orcs, and emphasizes the heroic skill and teamwork of players. The target age of the game is also lowered, with most of the 2nd edition products aimed primarily at teenagers.

The game is re-published as three core rule books that incorporate extensions and revisions that have been published in various supplements over the past decade. However, the Monster Manual is replaced by Monstrous Compendium , a loose fastener in which each monster is given a page full of information; the justification is that new packages of monsters (often specific settings) can be purchased and added to the binder at no cost or inconvenience from a separate book. It means that loose leaf straps will allow the book to be updated and adjusted as needed. This format proved very susceptible to wear and tear, and presents difficulties in keeping alphabetical order when the page has been printed with monsters on each side. Furthermore, loose leaf format was abandoned and Compendium as the core book replaced by single volume hardcover Monstrous Manual in 1993, collecting popular monsters from Compendium This edition also greatly enhances the power of the dragon to counter the impression of the relative weakness of the game titular monsters.

Many mechanical changes are done in the game. The combat system has been modified. The minimum amount needed to reach the target using a mathematical formula in which the armor class of defender (AC) is subtracted from the attacker's THAC0 number ("To Hit Armor Class '0'" number), the simplification of the class 1 attack matrix table that has appeared as an optional rule in the issue first DMG . Distance is based on in-game units (feet) rather than miniature-boards (inches). Critical hits are offered as an optional rule.

Character creation is modified in many ways. Demi-human races are given a higher maximum rate to increase their long-term playback, although they are still limited in terms of the flexibility of the character class. Character classes are organized into four groups: fighter (warrior, paladin, ranger), magician (mage, wizard specialist), imam (ulama, druid), and naughty (thief, bard). Killers and monks have been removed from the game as character class, "magic-user" is named "magician", ilusionis made into subtype of witch class, along with new classes specializing in other magic schools. The profession is officially supported in the Players Handbook and many supplements, rather than being optional additions. Psionics are no longer included in the Players Handbook , although they later appear in their own supplements.

Player Options

In 1995, TSR rewrote the core rule book for Edition 2 with new covers, art, and page layout. This release is followed shortly by a series of volumes labeled Player Options , allowing for alternative rule systems and character options, as well as Dungeon Master Options for high-level campaigns. They consist of:

  • Player Option: Combat & amp; Tactics
  • Player Option: Skill & amp; Power
  • Player Option: Spell & amp; Magic
  • Master Dungeon Option: High Level Campaign

Some of the optional rules include introduction of point-based systems to allow players to pick and choose class sections to create their own classes in a manner similar to non-weapon skills and attack opportunities is possible in combat.

Dungeons & amp; Dragons 3rd edition

The major revisions of the AD & amp; D was released in 2000. Since Basic Games have been discontinued a few years earlier, and the more straightforward titles are easier to market, the word "advanced" is revoked and the new edition is named just Dungeons & amp; Dragons , but still officially referred to as 3rd edition (or 3E for short). This is the basis of a broader role-playing system designed around 20-sided dice, called System d20.

Monte Cook, Jonathan Tweet and Skip Williams all contributed to the 3rd edition Players Handbook , Dungeon Master's Guide , and Monster Manual , and then each designer writes one of the books based on the contribution.

The D20 system uses a more integrated mechanical than the previous edition, completing almost any action with d20 die roll plus an appropriate modifier. Modifiers based on the ability score follow the standard formula. Rescue the thrown is reduced from five categories based on the third form of attack by type of defense.

The combat system is highly developed, adopting the core system of most of the optional movements and battle systems of the second edition of Player Option: Combat and Tactics. The battle of the third edition allows for a grid system, encouraging highly tactical gameplay and facilitating miniature use.

New character options are introduced. New dukun classes are introduced. These thieves are renamed rogue, a term used by the 2nd edition to classify thieves and bards, and introduce a prestige class, whose characters can only enter at higher character levels, and only if they meet certain character-design prerequisites or fulfill specified in -game destination. Further products include additional and additional rule subsystems such as "epic level" options for characters above level 20, as well as highly revised psionic maintenance.

The 3rd edition removes restrictions on previous editions on a combination of classes and races intended to track race preferences, and on the level of progress of non-human characters. New skills and system achievements are introduced to replace non-weapon skills, to allow players to better customize their characters.

The d20 system is presented under the Open Game License, which makes it an open source system where writers can write new games and game supplements without the need to develop a unique rules system and, more importantly, without the need for direct approval from the Coastal Wizards. This makes it easier to market content that is compatible with D & amp; D under a widely recognizable commercial license.

Dungeons & amp; Dragon v3.5

In July 2003, a revised version of the 3rd edition D & amp; D rule (termed v. 3.5 ) was released which included many minor rule changes, as well as expanded the Dungeon Master Guide and Monster Manual . This small deliberate revision focuses on addressing common complaints about certain aspects of gameplay, hence the version number of "half edition". The basic rules are basically the same, and many monsters and items are compatible (or even unchanged) between the editions. New spells are added, and many changes are made to existing mantras, while some spells are removed from the updated Playbook Handbook . New achievements are added and many changes are made to existing achievements, while some skills are replaced or combined with other skills.

Dungeons & amp; Dragons 4th edition

On August 15, 2007, the Wizards of the Coast announced the development of the D & amp; D 4. In December 2007, the book Wizards Presents: Races and Classes , the first preview of 4th Edition, was released. This was followed by a second book in January 2008 called Wizards Presents: Worlds and Monsters . The Players Handbook , Monster Manual , and Dungeon Master's Guide was released in June 2008.

Slashdot reported the anger of some players and retailers due to financial investments in v3.5 and a relatively short period of time that has been published. Although many players choose to continue playing older editions, or other games such as Pathfinder, the fourth edition prints are sold out during pre-order, and the Wizards of the Coast announces the second print run before the official game release.

Unlike the previous edition with only three core rule books, the 4th edition core rule includes multiple volumes Players Handbook , Dungeon Master's Guide , and Monster Manual which is released every year, with each new book being part of the core. In the first Player Handbook , warlocks and warlords were included, while barbarians, bards, druids, shamans and monks were absent. Of those classes, the first four are included in Players Handbook 2 , while the monk class appears in Player Handbook 3 .

Mechanically, the 4th edition has greatly improved the gaming system. Change of spells and other per-meeting resources, giving all classes the same amount of will, meet and per day power . Strength has various effects including causing status effects, creating zones, and forcible movements, making battles very tactical for all classes but essentially requiring miniature usage, reinforced by the use of squares to express distances. Scroll attacks, skills checks, and defense values ​​all earn bonuses equivalent to half the level, rounded down, rather than rising at different rates depending on classroom investment or skills. Each skill is trained (giving a fixed bonus on skills checks, and sometimes allowing more exotic use for skill) or untrained, but in both cases all the characters also receive bonuses for all skill rolls by level. A system of "wave healing" and short and long breaks are introduced to act as resource management.

The prestigious class system is replaced. Characters at level 11 choose "paragon lines", specializing by their class, which defines some of their new powers through the 20th level. At level 21, "epic destiny" is chosen in the same way, the paragon path and the epic destiny replace the 3rd edition prestige class system. The core rule extends to level 30 rather than level 20, bringing the "epic level" to play back to the core rules.

Dungeons & amp; Dragons Essentials

This product line debuted in September 2010 and consists of ten products intended to lower the barrier into the game. Essentials using D & amp; D set of 4th edition rules and provides a simple player character option intended for first-time players. Many new player character options that mimic the features of previous editions, such as the wizard school for wizard classes, to attract older players who have not adopted the 4th edition.

The Essentials line contains revisions of rules compiled over the previous two years, in the form of Compendium Rules , which condenses rules and errata to one volume, while also updating the rules with the newly introduced changes. The Heroes of the Fallen Lands and Heroes of the Forgotten Kingdoms book contains rules for creating characters, as well as a new build for each class described in the book. Other Essentials releases include the Dungeon Master's Kit and Monster Vault , each also containing accessories.

Dungeons & amp; Dragons 5th edition

In January 2012, the Wizards of the Coast announced that a new edition of the game, at the time referred to as D & amp; D Next , is under development. Contrary to the previous edition of the game, D & amp; D Next developed partly through open public playtest. The initial version of this new edition debuted in 2012 Dungeons & amp; Dragons experience to about 500 fans. The public playback test begins on May 24, 2012, with the final playtest package released on September 20, 2013.

5th Basic Rules , a free PDF contains complete rules for play and a subset of players and DM content from the core rule book, released on July 3, 2014. Starter Set was released on 15 July, featuring a set of previously created characters, a set of basic play instructions, and a Phandelver Mine Missing adventure module . The Player's Handbook was released on August 19, 2014. The fifth edition of Monster Manual was released on September 30, 2014. The Dungeon Master's Guide was released on December 9th 2014. This edition returns only three core rule books, with Players Handbook containing most of the races and classes.

Mechanically, the 5th edition is very interesting in the previous edition, while introducing several new mechanics that are meant to simplify and streamline the game. Action is now more dependent on checks conducted with six core skills with skills that take on a more supportive role.

Skills, weapons, items, rescue, and other things that character train now all use an increased bonus of proficiency as character levels increase. Some defense values ​​have been removed, returning to a single armor defense grade value and using a more traditional saving throw. Saving throws reworked for situational checks based on six core capabilities instead of generic d20 rolls. Achievements are now optional features that can be taken instead of an enhanced ability score and reworked for occasional large-scale upgrades rather than frequent small upgrades.

"Profit/loss" mechanics are introduced, simplifying conditional and situational conditions into simpler mechanics: rolling out two d20s for a situation and taking the higher of both for "gain" and lower for both "losses" each other when both apply.

The fourth edition power system is replaced with more traditional class features that are acquired as character levels. Each spell-casting class uses a unique system to cast their spells, with magicians and clerics using a slightly version of the spell preparation system from the previous edition. Healing Surges is replaced by Hit Dice, requiring characters to roll up the hit die during short breaks, instead of healing the average hit point level.

How 5th Edition Saved Dungeons & Dragons |

Dungeons & amp; Dragons variant

Kenzer & amp; The Company received permission from the Wizards of the Coast to produce parody versions 1 and 2 AD & amp; D. They published the fourth edition from 2001 until they lost their license. The game was well received and won the Origins Award for Game of the Year 2001.

The Publication of the System Reference Document (SRD) for the 3rd edition under the Open Game License (OGL) allows other companies to use the rules to create their own variants of Dungeons & amp; Dragon, provided that they do not use anything that the Wizards of the Coast consider as a trade dress or signature content, known as "product identity" under the OGL provisions.

Palace & amp; The Crusade , published in 2004 by Troll Lord Games, is an early example of the OGL and SRD used to recreate the experience of the old edition.

"Retro-clones" is a variant made to more closely simulate the previous edition, part of a movement known as the Old School Revival. Prominent retro clones include Labyrinth Lord , OSRIC , and Swords & amp; Magic .

The Pathfinder Roleplaying Game was first published in 2009 by Paizo Publishing. This is meant to be backwards compatible with D & amp; D v. 3.5 while adjusting some balance rules, and has been dubbed "v. 3.75" by some fans. Pathfinder has become one of the best selling gaming roles in the industry.

13th Age is a game designed by Jonathan Tweet, 3rd Edition main designer, and Rob Heinsoo, the main designer of 4th Edition, and published by Pelgrane Press in 2013.

First Editions: Remembering Advanced Dungeons & Dragons - YouTube

International edition

Franchise D & amp; D has been translated and published in several languages ​​around the world.

Source of the article : Wikipedia
