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Lockheed is a fictional character that appears in an American comic book published by Marvel Comics. This character is most often associated with X-Men. He is a foreign dragon who is an old friend of Shadowcat (Kitty Pryde), a member of X-Men and Excalibur.

Video Lockheed (comics)

Publishing history

Lockheed was created by writer Chris Claremont and artist Paul Smith and first appeared on Uncanny X-Men # 166 (February 1983).

Maps Lockheed (comics)

Fictional character biography

In Uncanny X-Men No. "Kitty Pryde, a teenage member of X-Men, tells a bedtime story to young Illyana Rasputin, who lives with X-Men at the time. The story reveals X-Men, including the recently deceased Jean Gray, in a fairy tale character role. One such character is a gigantic black dragon named "Lockheed", which is based on a modified Lockheed SR-71 Blackbird jet aircraft used by the team. Furthermore, Blackbird X-Men is named "Kitty's Dragon", with the name embossed gold under the pilot's side window.

Not long after, X-Men was abducted into space by the Brood alien race and taken to a colonized planet. Here, Kitty meets a cat-sized purple dragon that resembles the creature from its fairy tale, which she names as "Lockheed." Lockheed is actually a very advanced dragon-like extraterrestrial, capable of traveling through space through a special astral ship carrying their essence. Their society is similar to an insect's nest, with individuals who are only part of "Flock". Lockheed has been celebrated by his men as brave warriors and heroes against Brood, but has shown his individual attitudes and desires that are realized only when he meets X-Men.

Lockheed rescues Kitty from Brood and then goes with him. He tries to hide his presence from Professor X and his team mates, but he is revealed again on Earth when he again saves his life, this time from the Sidrian alien hunter's hive. X-Men accepts her presence at X-Mansion, and Lockheed has since become Kitty's old friend.

Lockheed was also attached to the lower level by Illyana Rasputin, who, having been kidnapped into the Limbo dimension (also known as Otherplace) by the Belasco shaman, had been a teenager, manifested his own mutant strength, and had been installed as Kitty's roommate. Lockheed occasionally accompanies Illyana after he adopts the codename Magik and joins the X-Men junior team, the New Mutants, including an adventure where they find controlled clones of X-Men.

Secret War

During the Secret War X-Men, including Lockheed, was transported to a foreign planet dubbed "Battleworld". There Lockheed meets a green alien dragon, allegedly created by the defensive forces of Beyonder (who are also responsible for repairing Captain America's shield). This second dragon accompanied Lockheed and his allies to Earth, but he grew up with a gigantic size upon arrival and rampage in Tokyo. He seems to disappear from existence when Lockheed rejects him, though he eventually reappears (and once again aided by Kitty and Lockheed).

In the companion series, Spider-Man and the Secret War , it shows Lockheed spent some time patrolling in Denver, Colorado that has been brought to the planet as well, protecting his citizens from alien attacks.


In addition to serving with X-Men with Kitty, he joined him when he founded the Excalibur British superhero team. There he will form a friendship with Widget.

Lockheed participated in the so-called Cross-Time Caper, which involved him and his colleagues jumping through the dimensions on the train. The train itself comes from an alternative universe and it is found that a power source is an alternative version of Lockheed itself. Both Lockheeds became good friends even though others wanted to stay on the train. Lockheed will travel with the team (and their allies, Alistaire Stuart) on several adventures in various realities, which include almost losing Kitty to the mystical powers of the alternative English Queen. The team will also find the Humanoid Lockheed version. She, along with the female Nightcrawler analog, will be the captain of the British Captain's team, protecting the planet-heavy magic residents. After they returned to earth, Lockheed's new dragon friend left Numbers, an Interdimensional Technet member. For the last part of "Caper", Lockheed and the team believe Kitty will disappear in dimensions; in fact he has been transported much earlier than the rest of the group. Saturnyne's powerful intervention allowed the team to return home.

Finally, Lockheed's exploits in the past after his encounter with Kitty and X-Men again haunt him. By leaving so unexpectedly with Kitty, she leaves her fiancee, whom she plans to marry the next day. Then, while healing from injuries gained from Doctor Doom's battle, his astral form is captured by Flock and must be tried for treason. In its astral form, Lockheed was able to speak. After successfully explaining his motives and rescuing his comrades from a pilot accident, he was officially exiled from his race, but with friendly terms.

Lockheed's interest in Kitty infuriated him on an interdimensional entity named Bamf, a character from a fairy tale Kitty once told Illyana. Like Lockheed, this is real too. This little version of Nightcrawler also likes Kitty, in her own way. This will be a dangerous jealous one in one instance. They will storm the tunnel under Muir Island and hold Lockheed prisoners for some time. Unfortunately, Lockheed's interest to hide after Kitty's movement did not help her situation, since Kitty just thought she was again difficult.

Lockheed developed a severe hatred of Kitty's romantic interest, the secret agent of Pete Wisdom. Lockheed indicates that he has the ability to speak, but only speaks to Wisdom, telling him that he "hates him". Peter told Kitty about it, but he was convinced that Wisdom was just joking, and Peter often suffered the theft of his clothes and cigarettes. Even so, Lockheed ultimately saved Peter's life, though he made sure to tell London "I still 'ate yoo." It seems that one of the reasons Lockheed really dislikes Wisdom is that he prefers Kitty's previous boyfriend, Colossus. This was shown at the wedding of Captain England and Meggan as Lockheed tried to help them reconnect by snatching the bride's garter and dropping it into Piotr's hand just after Kitty won the Meggan flower bouquet.

Later, after Kitty left Excalibur and X-Men completely, it was believed that Lockheed had died of an undisclosed state. In fact, Lockheed was found hurt and bewildered by a pair of young girls practicing magic. She tied up with them until she discovered that the girls were using their super powers to terrorize the locals. The duo were soon embarrassed in battle by their rivals, another young girl with power. This new friend healed Lockheed and helped steer him back to Kitty.

Return to X-Men

Kitty eventually rejoined X-Men and Lockheed happily followed. When X-Men fights against the alien Ord, it's Lockheed who saves the day with the breath of fire.

Lockheed became part of a training incident for younger students at the Xavier institute. He is the "flag" in the Capture the Flag game, hiding in the middle of the hedge maze. This creates problems because many students find it hard to really believe in a living miniature dragon. Specifically, the mutant mutant finally endangers Lockheed with its organic destructive power.

Lockheed attempted to help X-Men stop Hulk when he attacked at World War Hulk . Like the other X-Men, Lockheed was defeated.

Agent from S.W.O.R.D.

It was revealed that Lockheed was a mole inside the Institute for Sword, Abigail Brand, the SWORD Director then told Kitty to stop spoiling dragons like "chihuahua stars", and the dragon was an informant in return for SWORD assistance with urgent issues in his homeworld , and dragons can speak more languages ​​than the genius of the X-Men population, the Beast. Tim is surprised to see Lockheed fly away from Kitty.

After discovering the truth about Lockheed, the X-Men team joined S.W.O.R.D. in an attempt to end a confrontation with the alien race of Breakworld, which seeks to destroy Earth with a gigantic missile. Kitty was assigned with a designated team to stop the missiles, while Lockheed was forced to stay behind. Both share the final look left before Kitty leaves. Then Kitty's phase into the missile to disrupt his circuit, noting that it is made up of the same material as the rest of the Breakworld, making it difficult and tiring for him to phase through. After stepping a mile into the missile, Kitty finds its center, only to find it empty. The missile was fired, causing Kitty to faint inside because the Beast found late because of its shape, trajectory, and lack of internal circuits, the Breakworld weapon was not a missile, but a bullet. Kitty, who could not get out, set the phase of a bullet through the Earth, but was trapped inside. At the end of the Giant-Size Astonishing X-Men , Scott Summers mentioned that Doctor Strange, Reed Richards, and some "top man" tried to save him, but believed he had merged with the bullet and continued through space in phase constant staging.

Grieving over Kitty, Lockheed drank a lot to help her pain. Eventually it was revealed by Abigail Brand that Kitty was still living in a bullet but they could not get it out. Lockheed then approached the Unit to help but then changed his mind and flew as a price to help Kitty involve freeing the Unit from his prison.

After Kitty Pryde returned, she reunited with Lockheed at Astonishing X-Men # 38. She had joined her at Jean Gray's School for Higher Learning. In the brochure included at the end of Wolverine and X-Men # 1, it is said that he taught a class entitled "Knowing Your Alien Race, And How To Kill Them".

Lockjaw and Pet Avengers

In the mini-series of Lockjaw and Pet Avengers, Lockheed works closely with Lockjaw (bulldog teleporting from Inhumans), Redwing (Falcon's eagle eagle), Zabu (Ka-Zar sabretooth tiger partner and ally), Niels the Cat/Hairball the same power as Speedball during the same incident), the new frog Thor, and Ms. Lion (May Parker's dog from Spider-Man and His Amazing Friends ) in search for Infinity Gems. He expressed great sadness over Kitty's disappearance, and her estrangement from her homeworld. In another example, he expressed guilt over acting as a mole for S.W.O.R.D, stating that he had "betrayed too many friends and allies in the past!" Lockheed was given the Jewel Time during this adventure.

Strength and ability

Lockheed looks like a small European dragon about the size of a cat. She has purple skin, claws and sharp teeth, two curved little horns protruding from the back of her head and wings that allow her to fly. He can breathe fire with extreme intensity and is a surprisingly formidable fighter for his size, after destroying the nests of Sidri's children and at other times defeating fully armored medieval knights. Quite clear, Brood that he faced his first appearance of fear and immediately fled after seeing him. Her brain is immune to telepathy probing by telepaths like Professor X. She is also empathetic and able to understand human speech. He can also speak English, but rarely does it.

Evolution of characters

Lockheed's appearance and character, as illustrated by various artists who illustrate it, and author Chris Claremont, evolved from his first appearance to his later appearance at Excalibur. When he first appeared as Paul Smith pulled, he was mostly four-legged, with red eyes with no pupils or irises, a small triangular head about half a foot long, teeth protruding from his upper and lower jaws and his intelligence seemed comparable to that of a dog. At the time of his appearance on Excalibur as drawn by Alan Davis, he has undergone anthropomorphization. His eyes are now human-like, with a white cornea and black iris, though sometimes they are yellow and red or orange and he is capable of more human-like facial expressions and movements, including standing on his hind legs. His teeth no longer stick out the sides of his mouth, his head more oblong and his jaws are now longer.

Recently, Lockheed has returned to previous appearances. He no longer stands on his hind legs, he has lost a humorous appearance to most and his eyes once again without disciples. He still retains the same personality and skills. Initially, the only vocalizations included most animal-like voices such as babbling or roaring, but clues were dropped as early as Uncanny X-Men # 168 that he was able to articulate words like "oops" and displayed as being able to speak some English words years later in the Fantastic Four Versus X-Men # 4 (June 1987) and Excalibur volume 1, # 64 (April 1993).

During his tenure at Excalibur, Warren Ellis left no uncertainty about Lockheed's intelligence: he was able to speak fluently (though for some reason he spoke with a Cockney accent, despite spending much of his life in America and Scotland, the only member of the Excalibur who had heard of it was Kitty's girlfriend Peter Wisdom, whom Lockheed did not like Pete tried to convince other members that Lockheed could speak, but, in one of Ellis's recurring jokes, they refused to believe him.Even in his moments of solitude, he seems to understand what is said and done around him, while Lockheed sometimes tries to give the impression of being unintelligent, at other times he demonstrates extraordinary powers of dedication, awareness and intelligence.He is very faithful to Kitty and shares a close relationship with him that may be psychic In astonishing X-Men an alien telepath affirms i ni by saying that Lockheed and Kitty are very connected and that the dragon can find it through that bond. Later in the series, it was revealed that he can speak many languages, some may be foreign.

Other versions


In the special series of X-Babies in the 1990s, the title character got allies in "Locksteed", a version of Lockheed large enough to carry some X-Babies on his back. Regardless of their larger size, Locksteed differs from Lockheed primarily in configuration, Locksteed's body design becomes closer to the shape of four-legged animals, with bigger and stronger forelegs.


Lockheed is a humanoid partner of Petty dragon Kitty, he and Kymri together take the Captain's British coat after they win in the tournament at Excalibur vol. 1 # 16-17. His status in terms of membership in the British Captain's Captain is unknown, as he was not chosen by Merlyn or Rome.

Mutant X

In this fact, Lockeed joined the Starjammers consisting of Cyclops, Binary, Nova, and Silver Surfer.

In other media


  • Lockheed appears on X-Men: Pryde from X-Men voiced by Frank Welker. He was introduced as a pest on Asteroid M, the headquarters of the Brotherhood of Mutants. He managed to escape from Asteroid M with X-Men.
  • In X-Men: Evolution the third season episode of "Dark Horizon Part One", Lockheed is absent, but, instead of a teddy bear, Kitty's favorite doll toy is a dragon.
  • Lockheed appeared on "The Super Hero Squad Show" episode of "Misterious Mayhem in Mutant Academy!". He briefly appears in a chase scene using a fire breath to repel the reptiles and the hypnotized X-Men out of the girls' bathrooms on the Shadowcat name.


It was announced by director/writer Josh Boone that Lockheed will appear in his upcoming movie The New Mutants , as a companion of Ilyana Rasputina/Magik. It will be reported to be a horror film, and will feature a young X-Men mutant team, the New Mutants, held at a facility as opposed to their wishes. In addition to Lockheed and Magik, the team will consist of Rahne Sinclair/Wolfsbane, Samuel "Sam" Guthrie/Cannonball, Danielle "Dani" Moonstar/Mirage, Robert da Costa/Sunspot, and Warlock, while Charles Xavier/Professor X and Dr. Cecilia Reyes will appeared as a mentor in this film. Demon Bear will be the main antagonist for young superheroes.

Video game

  • Lockheed appears in Marvel: Avengers Alliance . He appears as a help step for Shadowcat.
  • Lockheed is an unlockable upgrade for Shadowcat at Uncanny X-Men: The Days of Future Past . When opened, he fires a blast of fire to an enemy who tries to attack him. As she is upgraded from base level to max, she can do more damage every time.
  • Lockheed appears as a non-playable character in Marvel Heroes .


  • Lockheed is a Shadowcat pet dragon in the novel for X-Men: The Last Stand . He was briefly cajoled sadly after Professor Xavier's funeral when Bobby Drake (Iceman) visited Kitty.


External links

  • Lockheed on the Marvel Universe wiki

Source of the article : Wikipedia
