Sabtu, 30 Juni 2018

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Out of Left Field - Rachel Mariner

" Outside the left field " is an American slang meaning "unexpected," "weird" or "weird". The phrase comes from the term baseball, referring to a game in which the ball is thrown from an area covered by the left fielder to the home plate or first base, surprising the runner. According to there is another meaning: "The term 'exit in the left field' is considered 'crazy'." Cook County Hospital (by West Side Grounds, Chicago Cubs first location under what is now the University of Illinois at Chicago College of Medicine) has a mental institution behind the left field, The point is, patients can hear the shouting and screaming things at fans behind left field wall. "" Variations include " exit in the left field " and only "left field".

Video Out of left field

Music industry

The popular music historian Arnold Shaw wrote in 1949 to the Music Library Association that the term "outside the left field" was first used in the idiomatic sense of "out of nowhere" by the music industry to refer to a song that was unexpectedly well done in the market. Based on the term baseball, a phrase like "It's a hit out of left field" is used by pluggers of songs that promote recording and sheet music, to describe a song that does not require any effort to sell. "Rocking Chair" is a type of song that appears "outside the left field" and sold itself, enabling the song plugger to relax. A 1943 article in Billboard magazine expanded its use to describe people who were unexpectedly interested in radio broadcasts:

"The latest changes in radio-related warfare are the number of quasi-ulama groups that are extraordinary and individuals who have been out of the left field in recent months and are trying to buy, not promote, radio time."

A further example of this phrase was published in the 1940s, including more time in Billboard magazine and once in a humorous book titled How to Be Poor.

Maps Out of left field

Description later

In May 1981, columnist William Safire asked readers from The New York Times to send him whatever ideas they had about the origin of the phrase "outside the left field" - he did not know where it came from , and does not refer to Shaw's work. On June 28, 1981, he devoted most of his Sunday column to the phrase, offering various responses he received. The earliest scientific quotation that Safire found was the 1961 article in the American Speech journal, which defines the variation "in the left field" as meaning "disorientation, unrelated to reality". Linguist John Algeo told Safire that the phrase most likely came from baseball observers rather than from baseball fans or players.

In Safi's Political Dictionary Safire writes that the phrase "outside the left field" means "unusual, out of touch, far away." The variation of "exit in the left field" means alternating "removed from the usual, unconventional" or "unrelated to reality, not touching." He compared the term to left-wing politics and Left Coast - slang to coastal cities leaning toward liberals in California, Oregon and Washington.

In 1998, the American English professor Robert L. Chapman, in his book American Slang, wrote that the phrase "outside the left field" was used in 1953. He did not quote Shaw's work and he did not direct it to a printed example of a phrase in the 1940s. Marcus Callies, a professor of English and philology at the University of Mainz in Germany, wrote that "the exact origins are unclear and disputed", referring to Christine Ammer's conclusion in The American Heritage Dictionary of Idioms. Callies suggested that the left winger in baseball might throw the ball into the home plate in an effort to get the runner out before he scores, and that the ball, coming from behind the runner out of the left pitch, would surprise runners.

From the Left Out of the Communities Way: "The phrase" the way out in the left field "has evolved into eccentric, odd, erratic or strange statements or actions.Although the origin of the phrase has been challenged and debated over the years, the most logical explanation and realistically derived from an extinct baseball park called the West Side Grounds called by the Chicago Cubs from 1893 to 1915. As the legends say, a mental hospital called the Neuropsychiatric Institute is located just behind the left field wall. which can be heard making strange and strange comments in the distance listening to players and fans So if someone says you're "way out in the left field," that person questions your sanity and compares you to a mental patient "

Out of Left Field - A couple of Socialists with a couple of beers


Source of the article : Wikipedia
