DinÃÆ' Â © Bahane ' (Navajo: "Story of the People" ), the Navajo creation myth, describes the emergence of prehistoric Navajo, and centers on an area known as Dinak Tah, Navajo's traditional homeland. This story forms the basis for the Navajo's traditional way of life. The basic outline of DinÃÆ' Â © Bahane ' starts with (Holy Wind) was created, the fog of light emerging from the darkness to animate and bring the fourth goal Diyin Dine'ÃÆ'Â © (Saints), supernatural and sacred in three different worlds. All of these things were created spiritually at a time before the Earth existed and the physical aspect of humans did not yet exist, but the spiritual ones did.
The First or Dark World, Ni 'Hodi? Hi?
They travel to Second World or Blue, Ni 'Hodoot?' Izh , which is inhabited by a variety of gray blue and gray mammals and various birds, including blue swallows. Creatures from the First World attacked the Swallow Chief, TÃÆ'¡shchÃÆ'³zhii , and they were asked to leave. The First Man creates a jet stick and other materials to allow people to walk on it into the next world through the opening in the south.
In the Third World or Yellow, Ni 'Ha? TsooÃÆ' , there are two rivers that make up the cross and the Holy Mountains but there is still no sun. More animals also live here. This time was not a dispute between the people who drove them but the big floods caused by TÃÆ'Â © ÃÆ'Â © hoo? TsÃÆ'³dii when Coyote stole his two children.
When people arrive in the Fourth or White World, Ni 'Hodisx? S , it is covered with water and there are monsters ( naayÃÆ' Â © ÃÆ' Â © ' ) live here. The Sacred Mountains are re-formed from the soil taken from the original mountains of the Second World. The First Man, the First Lady, and the Saints create the sun, moon, season, and star. This is where true death arises through the Coyote throwing rocks into the lake and declares that if drowned then the dead will return to the previous world.
The first man born in the Fourth World is Yoo? Gai AsdzÃÆ'¡ÃÆ'¡ is due to AsdzÃÆ'¡ÃÆ'¡ NaadleehÃÆ', in turn, gave birth to a Heroes Hero called NaayÃÆ' Â © ÃÆ' Â © 'NeizghÃÆ'¡nÃÆ' and TÃÆ'³bÃÆ'¡jÃÆ'shchÃÆ'nÃÆ' . The twins have many adventures where they help to get rid of the world from various monsters. Some collections of modern humans were created several times in the Fourth World and Navajo Diyin Dine'ÃÆ' © ©/span> gave them a ceremony still practiced when this.
Video Diné Bahane'
Dunia Pertama
Some time ago these things were said. The first world is small, and black like soot. In the middle of the four seas there is an island floating in the fog. On the island grows pine trees.
The dark ants live there. Red ants stay there. Capung lives there. The yellow beetle stayed there. Hard beetle lives there. The stone bear beetle stayed there. Black beetle stayed there. The coyote-dung beetles live there. Bats live there. White beetles live there. The grasshoppers lived there. White locusts live there.
These are the twelve NÃÆ'? Ch'i Dine'ÃÆ'Â © , People Air-Spirit, who lives in the First World.
Around the floating island there are four oceans. Every sea is governed by creatures. In the sea to the East live TÃÆ'Â © ÃÆ'Â © hoo? TsÃÆ'³dii , Big Water Creatures, Who Reach Something in the Water. On the south sea stay Tá¡? T? 'ÃÆ'¡ÃÆ'¡h ÃÆ'¡lÃÆ' Â © ÃÆ'Â © h , Blue Heron. In the sea to the west live Ch'a? , Frog. In the ocean to the north live Ii'ni 'Ji? Gaii , Winter Thunder.
Above every sea appeared clouds. There are black clouds, white clouds, blue clouds, and yellow clouds. Black Clouds contain female souls. The White Cloud contains the Dawn Male spirit.
Black Clouds and White Clouds gather in the East, and the wind from the clouds blows. From the breeze, First Man, ÃÆ'? KÃÆ'³honot'ÃÆ'inii , perfectly in shape, with seeds covering all ears. Crystals, clear symbols of mind and vision, are with him.
The Blue Cloud and Yellow Cloud come together in the West, and the wind from the clouds blows. From the breath of the wind, First Lady, ÃÆ'? TsÃÆ'Ã… © Asdz ???? , shaped, and with yellow corn, perfectly formed, with grains covering all of his ears. Whites, and turquoise, and yucca are with her.
First Man makes fire with its crystals. The light is the first awakening of the mind. The First Woman made fire with its turquoise. They look at each other's light in the distance.
When Blue Cloud and Yellow Cloud soared in the sky, First Woman saw the light of First Man's fire, and he went outside to find it. Three times he did not succeed. Fourth time he found First Man's house. "I wonder what this thing is," he said. "I saw you walking and wondering why you did not come," First Man said. "Why do not you come with your fire, and we will live together." The First Lady agrees with this. So instead of the man who went to her, as is the custom now, she goes to live with him.
Other people, M? 'Iito'ÃÆ' ÃÆ'? ChÃÆ'nÃÆ' , Great Coyote, formed in water. She told First Man and First Woman that she had hatch from eggs, and knew everything underwater and everything in the sky. First Man believed it. Then the second coyote, ÃÆ'? TsÃÆ'Â © HashkÃÆ' Â © , First Angry, appeared. He said to the three, "You believe that you are the first person, you are wrong, I live when you are formed." First Angry brings witchcraft to the world.
Water-Spirit people become envious of each other and start fighting. The rulers of the four seas, Blue Heron, Frog, White Thunder, and Big Water Creature could not take it anymore, and told the creatures on the island that they all had to leave this world. Some people go up and some fly until they reach a crack in the sky. They crawl through it and into the Second World.
Maps Diné Bahane'
Second World
First Man, First Woman, Great-Coyote-Who-Was-Formed-in-the-Water, dan Coyote First Angry, diikuti oleh yang lainnya, naik dari Dark World ke Second atau Blue World.
They found a number of people already living there: blue birds, blue eagles, bluejays, blue cranes, and all blue feathered creatures. Strong swallow people also live there. They live in blue houses, spread over a vast blue plain. The person who swallows said to the Air-Spirit People, "You are accepted here among us." And for twenty-three days they all lived together in harmony. But on the twenty-fourth night, one of the Air-Spirit Persons approached the headmaster's wife and wanted to sleep with her.
The next morning the Bird's Head, Táshchozhii , told newcomers, " We welcome you here among us We treat you as a family, but here's how you repay us, now you have to leave this world. "
The Air-Spirit person goes upstairs looking for a path to the next world. , The Wind, calling them from the South. They followed him and found a crack in the sky. The First Man creates a jet stick and other materials and Air-Spirit people fly or walk on it to the next world. One by one they pass to the other side.
Third World
The bluebirds have joined the Air-Spirit People and were the first to reach the Third World or Yellow. After he came, the Big Four and the others.
The huge River River crossed this land from north to south. The large Male River crossed the mainland from east to west. The rivers flow through each other in the middle, and the name of this place is TóA? NÃÆ'¡osdl ???? , Crossing of the Waters.
In the Yellow World there are six mountains. In the East is the SisnaajinÃÆ' , Dawn, or White Shell Mountain text. In the South is the Tsoodzi? , Blue Bead, or Turquoise Mountain. To the West is Dook'o'oos? ÃÆ'ÃÆ'd , Abalone Shell Mountain. In the North is DibÃÆ' Â © Nitsaa , Great Sheep. Near the Center of the Yellow World is Dzi? NÃÆ'¡'oodi? Ii , Soft Goods or Banded Rock Mountain. And nearby, Middle East, there is Ch'ÃÆ'³ol '??' ÃÆ' , Precious Stones, or Large Spruce Mountain.
Saints live on the mountain. They are immortal, and can travel by following rainbow paths and sunlight. One of them is Haashch'Ã © Ã © ÃÆ' Â ©? Ti'ÃÆ' , Talking God . His body is white. One of them is TÃÆ'³ NeinilÃÆ' , Water Sprinkler . She's blue. One of them is Haashch'Ã © ÃÆ' Â © 'ooghaan , House God . His body is yellow. The first is the Haashch'Ã © ÃÆ' Â © shzhinÃÆ' , Black God, the god of fire. Beyond them to the Orient Turquoise Boy, which is the Navajo text of Nán¡n¡leehi , both men -laki or women, who keep the big men's reeds. And deep into the West, in Abalone Shell Mountain, live Yoo? Gaii Asdz ???? White Girl, also NÃÆ'¡dleeh . With him is a big female reed, which grows on the edge of the water without fringes.
In the fall, the four Saints call the First Man and the First Lady, and visit them, but they do not speak. Four days in a row they visit. On the fourth day, Black God said, "You must cleanse yourself and we'll be back in twelve days."
The First Man and the First Woman bathe with caution and dry themselves by eating corn. They listen and wait. On the twelfth day, four Saints returned. Air Sprinkler and Black God carry sacred deer skin. Talking God carries two perfect corn ears, with the dots closed in full with the kernel. One white corncob, First Man's maize. The other ear is yellow, the maize belongs to First Woman. The gods placed one deer skin on the ground facing west, and on it they placed two corn leaves with their ends pointing eastward. Under the white ears they put white eagle feathers. Under the yellow ear they put the yellow eagle feathers. They had people standing from a distance to let the wind in.
The White Wind, NÃÆ'? Ch'i? Igai blew between the buckskins, and when the wind blew, each of the Saints walked four times around them, and the feathers seemed to move. In this way, they transformed the First Man and the First Woman of the spirit man into a human being, with great power. "Now," said the Saints, "stay here as husband and wife."
At the end of four days, the First Lady gave birth to twins. They are not male or female, but NÃÆ'¡dleeh . Four days later a second pair of twins was born, one male and one female. After twenty days, a total of five pairs of twins were born, half of them male and half of them female. Almost at once they are adults. The Saints bring each twin pair to their home on the East Mountain and teach them how to wear a mask and pray, and then return it to their parents. Eight winters passed, and during that time the twins found a mate with the Mirage People. Many people show up.
Spider Man, Women Spider and Weaving
Near TÃÆ'³ A? NÃÆ'¡osdl ???? , Crossing of the Waters, live Spider Man and Spider Woman. They know how to weave cotton fiber and hemp and other plants. First Woman asks Spider Man and Spider Woman to teach people how to weave plant fibers so they do not have to rely on animal skin for clothing. Cotton seeds are grown, and cotton is collected. Spider Man teaches people to form small wheels, 3 or 4 inch in diameter, and put a slim stick past it to rotate cotton. The First Woman said, "You have to turn to your man, do not go, because you want those beautiful things to come to you, if you turn away from you, the goods will depart from you." Spider Man names spindle " yÃÆ'³dÃÆ' yi? Ya'hote ," which means "to turn around with beautiful items. " Spider Woman said, "No, it will be called
After they twisted the threads, they rolled them into large balls, and carried straight columns and tied them up to create a rectangular frame. Spider Man wound threads on two poles from east to west, above and below the poles. Then Spider Man says that the yarn ball should be called "Navajo"> yÃÆ'³dÃÆ' yi? Nasmas aghaa ' , "meaning" rolling with the goods "Spiderwoman said," No, it will be called ntsilÃÆ' yi? nasmas aghaa ' , rolled over with mixed chips. "
After the loom was completed, cross pillars were erected and other poles were placed on the ground to hold the loom frame firmly, and the loom was stretched into place. Spider Man said, "This will be called yÃÆ'³tÃÆ' ilth na dai'di , raising with beautiful items." The Spiderwoman said, "No, it will be called
There was a notched stick running across, with a notch holding every other thread. Spider Man said, "This will be called yÃÆ'³dÃÆ' bi? Nes? On , looping with beautiful stuff. "Spider Woman said," No, it's going to be called
Spider Man then said, "Now you know everything I have mentioned for you.This is yours to work and use your own wishes.But from now on when a baby girl is born from your tribe, you will go and look for cobwebs weave it in the mouth of the hole, you must take it and rub it on the baby's hands and arms so when he grows up he will weave, and his fingers and arms will not get tired from weaving. "
Separation of Men and Women
One day, the First Man brought home the soft deer he had killed. The First Woman said, "I thank my vagina for this deer." First Man demands to know what he means. "I mean, you bring me food because you want to have sex with me," he said. "But we women can live happily without men, we are the people who collect food and get to the fields We do not need men." First Man gets angry and calls everyone together. "Women think they can live without us," he told them. "Let's see if that's true."
Men and two hermaphrodite twins across the river to the northern bank carrying grinding stones, bowls and baskets made by hermaphrodite twins, and axes and hoes that the men had discovered. The women walked along the river bank and called the men, saying, "Look what's missing?" Sometimes there are men and women who miss after another that some jump into the river that separates them in a futile attempt to reunite with their loved ones. Unfortunately the river currents are too strong and the swimmers drift in the river, never to be seen again.
For four years men and women live separately. During this time the food harvested women become less, because they do not have the equipment, while the more men eat. But each group missed the other. Women try to satisfy themselves with bones, feathers, and long stones. People try to ease their longing with fresh animal flesh. One man, K'ÃÆ'ÃÆ'deesdizÃÆ' , tries to satisfy himself by using the heart of a deer. Owl called him to stop. "It's wrong," Owl said. "Nothing good can come from this farewell You have to bring the man and the woman together again." Because Owl was right. Of the women who try to satisfy themselves with foreign bodies, the monster is born from this. Monsters will terrorize people wherever they roam.
K'ÃÆ'ÃÆ'deesdizÃÆ' talking to others. Finally they all spoke to First Man. First Man called across the river to First Woman, and asked, "Do you still think you can live alone?" "I no longer believe," he replied. "I'm sorry I let the things you said made me angry," said First Man. And then people sent a raft to the side of the river woman to bring the women across. The men and women bathe and dry their bodies by eating corn, and stay apart until nightfall. Then they will continue their life together.
Big Water and Big Flood Creatures
But a mother and her two daughters were in the fields and did not see the raft. It was dark now, and they saw that all the women had crossed the river to the man's side. They started swimming across. But TÃÆ' Â © ÃÆ' Â © hoo? TsÃÆ'³dii , the Great Water Creature, captured two daughters and dragged them to his home under water. For three days and three nights, people searched for the river for the girls, but they could not find it.
On the fourth morning, Talking God and Water Sprinkler came up with a large bowl of white shell and a large bowl of blue shell. People gather around them. They place the bowl on the edge of the water, and start turning it. The rotating bowl creates a gap in the water that leads down into a large house with four rooms. First Man and First Woman traveled down the hall and into the house, and behind them crept Coyote named First Angry. In the north room of the house, they find Big Water Creature falling asleep in a chair. Two of her own children were there, and also two missing girls. First Man and First Woman took the girls' hands and led them back through the passage and toward the bank. Behind them, Coyote brought two children from the Big Water Creature, wrapped in a large leather coat with white fur. There was a big celebration because the missing girls were returned.
The next morning, the animals began to run past the village from the east. The deer run past, and turkeys, antelope, and squirrels. For three days, the animals ran past, running away from something. On the fourth morning, people sent grasshoppers flying east to find out what was happening. The locusts returned and said that the great water wall came from the east, and the tide from the north and from the south. People ran to the top of the mountain SisnaajinÃÆ' . First Man ran to each other Holy Mountain, picked up the dirt from each one, and called the Saints, and returned to SisnaajinÃÆ' SisnaajinÃÆ' . Turquoise Boy came with Reed Male, and First Man planted it at the top of the mountain. Everyone starts blowing the reeds, and the tree begins to grow and grow until it reaches the canopy of the sky. The woodpecker pierces the inside of the reed, and the guys and Turquoise Boy and the four Saints all start climbing until they're out in the Fourth World.
Fourth World
After everyone appears to the Fourth World, or the Whites, they see the water rising in the Third World below them. Big Water Creature pushes its head through a hole in the reed. His curly hair hovered over the water, and lightning shone from his black horn and its yellow horn. First Man asked Big Water Creature why he came. He said nothing. But Coyote was named First Angry forward wearing his leather coat. He said, "Maybe because of this," and pulled two babies from under his coat. Turquoise Boy took the basket and filled it with turquoise. On the turquoise he placed the blue pollen from the blue flowers and yellow pollen from corn, and the pollen from the water flag, and on top of this he put the crystal, which is the river pollen. This basket he gave to Coyote, who put it between the horns of Big Water Creature, and in the basket he placed the two children. The Big Water Creature disappears into the reed, and water with it.
They see that they are on an island in the middle of a bubbling lake, surrounded by high cliffs. At first people can not find a way to cross the water to shore. They asked Air Sprinkler to help them. He brought four large stones with him from the Third World. He throws one to the east. When it hit the cliff wall, it broke the hole through it, and water began to flow out of the lake. He threw rocks to the south. He throws one to the west. And in the north he throws one. Each stone creates a hole in the cliff, and the lake water becomes lower. The path now connects the island to the coast to the east, but it's far away with mud. People call , Smooth Wind, to help them. He exploded steadily for a long time, and finally people could leave the island.
First Man and First Lady build a hogan to live in. It's not like today's hogan. The First Man dug a shallow hole in the earth and placed the poles inside. For the main pole he uses two parts of the Black Arc, . One pole he cut from Male Reed. One pole he cut from Reed Woman. Its structure is covered with soil and grass. First Lady grinds white corn and they sprinkle the bunches and sprinkle corn flour in the house from East to West. First Man said, "May my house be sacred and beautiful, and have good days and plenty of it." This is the first hogan-raising ceremony.
Creation of the Sun and the Moon
Inside, First Man lies with his head to the East, and First Woman lies with his head to the West. Their minds are mixed, and the mind is pure. They begin to plan the time to come, and how people will live on earth. Great Coyote-Who-Was-Formed-in-the-Water came to help them plan. Together, they plan that there should be sun, moon, and day and night. They decided to defend the other Coyote, First Angry, away from their planning, because it was he who had brought unhappiness.
First Man, First Woman, and Great-Coyote-Who-Was-Formed-in-the-Water cover the hogan floor with perfect deer skin. Above the deer's skin is placed a perfect round turquoise bird, larger than the height of a human. Under turquoise, they place perfect perfect white shells. At that time, Coyote ÃÆ'? TsÃÆ'Ã… © HashkÃÆ'Â ©/span> , First Angry, come and ask them what they do. "Nothing," they said. "So I understand," he said. And he's gone.
First Man goes looking for Haashch'ÃÆ' © © ÃÆ'Â © shzhinÃÆ' , The Black YÃÆ'Â © 'ii, as the fire of God. The First Man found it in a place where there was a fire under the earth, and called it. He goes back to the first game with First Man. First Man and First Woman also summoned three other Saints, Sprinklers Water, House God, and Talking God. Together, they told Turquoise Boy and White Shell Girl that they created the sun and the moon. They asked Turquoise Boy whether he would be the sun, and they asked for White Shell Girl if he would be the moon. Once again, the Coyote named First Angry came and asked what they did. "Nothing," they said. "So I understand," he said, and he left.
First Man, First Woman, Great Coyote, and Holy People plan to have 12 months. With every month, the moon will pass from dark to light, and the sun will move to a different path in the sky. White Shell Girl is given a whistle made from Reed Woman, with 12 holes in it. Every time he finishes his cycle he will blow the whistle, and the new moon will begin. The first month is named Gh ?? j? ' , Back-to-Back, or Tim's Break. Today is called October. The second month is named NÃÆ'? Ch'its'ÃÆ'³sÃÆ' , Time of Slender Winds. The third month is NÃÆ'? Ch'itsoh , Great Wind. It is time to start telling the sacred stories. The fourth month, January, is Yas Ni? T'ees , Crusted Snow. This is the month of many ceremonies, and the time for the sacred stories. February, the fifth month, is the AtsÃÆ'¡ BiyÃÆ'¡ÃÆ'¡zh , Baby Eagle. After this month, the sacred stories can not be told to young people. The sixth month, WÃÆ'³ÃÆ'³zhch '???? d , is the month Suddenly Spring Storm. The ceremony was held to bless the fields before the seeds were planted. The seventh month is T '???? chil , Little Leaves. May, T '???? tsoh , is the eighth month. Finally they plan Ya'iishjÃÆ'¡ÃÆ'¡shchilÃÆ' , When-Few-Seeds-Ripen, JÃÆ'¡ÃÆ'¡tsoh , Large Seed Maturity, Bini'ant '???? ts'ÃÆ'³zÃÆ' , Little Ripening, and finally September, Bini'ant '???? tsoh , Harvest Time, when food is stored for winter.
Once again, Coyote named First Angry came in and asked what they were doing. "Nothing," they said. "So I understand," he said, and he left.
Fire God, Black YÃÆ'Â © 'ii, uses his fire to heat turqoise on deer skin until it becomes hot red. Then they asked for Turquoise Boy to enter the shining turquoise. "If I do that, I have to be paid with the lives of people on earth, all humans, animals that have four legs, birds and insects in the air, fish and all underwater." And then White Shell Girl repeating the same thing. First Woman, First Man, Great Coyote, and Saints all agree. Then Turquoise Boy enters a radiant Turquoise. First Man uses his crystal to heat up White Shell, and White Shell Girl enters the White Shell. Four circles are made around the inner hogan to complete the ceremony. In this way, Turquoise Boy becomes the sun, JÃÆ'³honaa'ÃÆ'Â © ÃÆ' , The One Who Rules the Day. And White Shell Girl becomes the month, T? 'ÃÆ' Â © honaa'ÃÆ' Â © ÃÆ' , The One Who Rules the Malam. NÃÆ'? ch'i Ha'a'aah ??? 'go , East Wind, was asked to bring the newly formed sun to its ground so that it could start its journey there.
The Coyote named First Angry appears again. He said, "I know you have planned great things, I demand to know why I am not included in the planning." First Man and First Woman did not say anything. Coyote said, "You believe that I spoil your life in a lower world, but that's not true.Now I will ruin your plan.The path of the sun and the lunar road will not return to the beginning after 12 months. months of the moon, sometimes ice will come early, and sometimes it will stay late, sometimes the rain will not come, and you have to call the baby from Big Water Creature to bring water. "And he left them.
The Coming of Death
At the end of the first day, when the JÃÆ'³honaa'ÃÆ' Â © ÃÆ' was completing his first journey across the sky, one of the hermaphrodite twins , NÃÆ'¡dleeh , stop breathing. Scared, people leave him alone. In the morning, Coyote is named First Angry and people go to find the twins, but NÃÆ'¡dleeh has been lost. One person looks down at the reed into the Third World, and there he sees landscape Navajo language> "NÃÆ'¡dleeh sitting by the river while combing his hair. He called his friend, and he saw and also saw it. People ask Coyote what to do. He took the black stone, tadzootsÃÆ' Â © , and threw it into , Black Water Lake. He says that if the stone appears and floats, the spirit of the dead will return to the Fourth World and there will be no death. If the rock sank, the spirit would remain in the world below and there would be death. The rock sank, and people later learned that the twins were dead, and First Man remembered the covenant they made with the sun. Four days later the two witnesses who belittled the twin brother also died. People learn that it is dangerous to see the dead. Everyone is angry at Coyote for this and get together to hit him. The Coyote says they can beat him, but first there's something he wants to say. "I threw rocks into the water knowing it would sink." People with dark muttering about this one another, all of them decided that the Coyote really deserved to be beaten. But Coyote's quick thinking solved his explanation. "Without death the world will soon be overpopulated.The elders will never die and will remain trapped in their weak body.No space for new children We will run out of food and shelter with so many people to feed and care for. "The group gathered silently for a while as they all pondered the reason for the Coyote and found him to be wise and intelligent.
Stars and Constellations
First Man, First Woman, Great Coyote, and the next Holy People plan a star for the night sky. They collect many pieces of tsÃÆ' Â © s? ' , rock star mica, as they can find, and put it on a blanket. Then the First Man made a picture on the ground to plan the location of all the stars trying to make the sky like a woven rug, orderly and balanced. Haashch'Ã © ÃÆ' Â © shzhinÃÆ' , Black YÃÆ' Â © 'ii, putting (North Star). First Man locates NÃÆ'¡hook? S [bik? 'ÃÆ'] (Whimper) while First Woman puts Navajo's NÃÆ'¡hook? s [ba'ÃÆ'¡ÃÆ'¡dÃÆ'] (Caster) to the sky. First Man also put DilyÃÆ'Â Â © hÃÆ'Â ©/span> (Seven Stars, the Pleiades) the Black YÃÆ'§ ii claimed to represent the parts of his body. They put ÃÆ'? TsÃÆ' Â © 'ÃÆ' Â © tsoh , Big First One. They put ÃÆ'? TsÃÆ'Â © 'ÃÆ' Â © ts'ÃÆ'³sÃÆ' , Coyote's Feather, or Slender One (Orion's belt and sword). They put Ba'ÃÆ'¡? ChÃÆ'nÃÆ' , children DilyÃÆ'Â © hÃÆ' Â © and ÃÆ'? tsÃÆ' Â © 'ÃÆ' Â © ts'ÃÆ'³sÃÆ' ; and Hastiin Sik'ai'ÃÆ' , The-Old-Man-with Feet Apart; and Rabbit, Gah At'ÃÆ'Â © 'ii ; and YikÃÆ'¡ÃÆ' SidÃÆ'¡hÃÆ' Move to Dawn; and NÃÆ'¡hook? s Bak? 'ÃÆ' , The-Revolving-Male-Warrior-with-His-Bow-and-Arrows; and his wife, NÃÆ'¡hook? s Ba'ÃÆ'¡ÃÆ'¡dÃÆ' , Who Brings-Flame-in-His Basket. Coyote named First Angry came back to see what was going on. He took a piece of rock star mica and put it in the sky, and it became , known by BilagÃÆ'¡ana as Canopus. He placed another piece in the south, , Morning Star. Then Coyote said, "It's too long, I've got a better way." He then took the blanket and the rest of the rock star mica was scattered in the sky.
Re-Creation of the Sacred Mountains
ÃÆ'? tsÃÆ'Â © hastiin , First Man, and ÃÆ'? tsÃÆ'Â © asdz ???? , First Lady, along with Tó NeinilÃÆ' Haashch'ÃÆ'Â © ÃÆ' Â © shzhinÃÆ' , Black YÃÆ'Â © ' set out to create six sacred mountains from the dirt that First Man had taken from every mountain in the third world. They place them as they are in the third world. They recreate SisnaajinÃÆ' , Dawn, or White Shell Mountain, in the East. They decorate it with a white shell. They decorate it with white light. They decorate it with white corn. They decorate it with dark clouds that make men rain. From the rock they carry, they form the TsÃÆ'Â © ghÃÆ'¡di'nÃÆ'dÃÆ'inii Ashkii , Rock Crystal Boy, and TsÃÆ'Â © Â © ghÃÆ'¡Di'nÃÆ'dÃÆ'inii at'ÃÆ'Â © ÃÆ' Â © d, Rock Crystal Girl, to stay there forever.
In the South they re-create Tsoodzi? , Blue Bead, or Turquoise Mountain. They decorate with turquoise. They decorate it with dark mist. They decorate it with animals. They decorate it with a cloud of light that brings women's rain. From the two stones they carry, they form Doot? 'Izhii NÃÆ'¡yoo'a? ÃÆ' Ashkii , Boy Who Are Bringing Back Turquoise, and Naad ???? 'l? 'ÃÆ' NÃÆ'¡yoo'ÃÆ'¡? ÃÆ' At'ÃÆ' Â © ÃÆ'â © d , The Girl Who Brings Many Corn Ear. They were created to stay there forever.
To the West they re-created Dook'o'oos? ÃÆ'ÃÆ'd , Mount Abalone Shell. They decorate it with a haliotic shell. They decorate it with animals. They decorate it with a dark cloud that brings rain. From the material of the Third World they created Naad ????? gaii Ashkii , White Corn Boy, and Naad ????? tsoii At'ÃÆ'Â © ÃÆ'Â © d , Yellow Corn Girl. They were created to stay there forever.
In the North they recreate the Dibà © Nitsaa , Big Mountain Sheep. They decorate the mountain with black beads. They decorate it with many plants. They decorate it with many animals. They decorate it with a gray mist that brings women's rain. From the ingredients from the bottom they form the TÃÆ'¡dÃÆ'dÃÆ'ÃÆ'n Ashkii , Pollen Boy, and Nahachagii At'ÃÆ'â © dà © d , Grasshopper Girl. They were created to stay there forever.
Near the Center, they're recreating Dzi? NÃÆ'¡'oodi? Ii , Soft Goods or Banded Rock Mountain. They left their bare apex, but they created two beings to live there. They are YÃÆ'³dÃÆ' Neidiitsi Ashkii , Producer Boy, and YÃÆ'³dÃÆ' Neidiitsi At'ÃÆ'Â © ÃÆ'Â © d , Girl Producing Goods.
In the middle east they re-created Ch'ÃÆ'³ol '??' ÃÆ' , Precious Stones, or Great Spruce Mountain. They decorate with pollen and clouds that carry women's rain. On them they created two creatures, Nit? 'Iz Neidiitsi Ashkii , Boy Who Produces Jewels, and Nit? 'iz Neidiitsi At'ÃÆ'Â © ÃÆ'Â © d , Girl Generating Gems, to stay there forever.
When it's all done, First Man, First Woman, Black YÃÆ'§ ii and Water Sprinkler come back and teach people about the sacred mountain. They taught them that these six mountains are their main mountain. From the lower mesa land they could see them. Songs made for them. Finally, the smoke is prepared for the mountains and the singing is sung.
The Coming of Monsters
In the Third World, there was a time when men and women had lived apart for a long time. During that time, some women have used animal horns or long rocks or bird feathers for sex. Now, in the Fourth World, some of the women are pregnant. A woman who has used antelope horns gives birth to a child without a head. The people held a council and decided that this baby would be abandoned. It was left to die in the gutter. But it lives and grows into DÃÆ'Â © ÃÆ'Â © lÃÆ'Â © ÃÆ' Â © d , Horned Monster.
A woman who has been using eagle fur for sex gives birth to a round child, headless with a feathery shoulders. A council was held, and it was decided that the baby should be abandoned. It is left in the alkali hole. But it's alive, and it grows to TsÃÆ'Â © NinÃÆ'¡hÃÆ'¡lÃÆ' Â © ÃÆ'Â © h , Monster Eagle. It creates his home in the TsÃÆ'Â © te'iská¡ , Mountains.
A woman who has used a long stone for sex gives birth to a child with a hard head and a pointed neck. People meet in the council and decide that this baby should be left in the clefts on the cliffs. They place the boy and close the gap with stones. But the child lives and grows into TsÃÆ' d dà HÃÆ'³dzii? Tá? Ii , the Monster Who Kicked the Climber. It made his home in a place called Knol ghi nee, outside the Carrizos Mountains.
A woman who has skinned an acid cactus and used it for sex gave birth to twins, a headless creature without limbs. They have two basins at the top that look like eyes. People gathered and decided that these babies should be abandoned. They threw them as far as they could. But the twins found shelter with a brush and survived. They grow into BinÃÆ'¡ÃÆ'¡ 'yee AghÃÆ'¡nÃÆ' , Monster that Kills with Their Eyes.
One monster appears in a different way. A woman named Loose Running Woman goes alone toward the rising sun. After defecating, he uses a fine pebble from the river to clear himself. He puts a warm stone in his genitals like JäÆ'³honaa'ÃÆ'  © ÃÆ' , Sun, rising above the horizon. YÃÆ'  © 'iitsoh , Big Giant, by people.
Monsters hide along the road, and kill and devour tourists. They kill a lot of people, and people start living in fear.
The Monster Slayer Twins
Most people have been killed. First Man said, "Maybe the Saints will help us." In the morning, he saw a dark cloud covering the top of the Ch'ÃÆ'³ol '??' ÃÆ' , The Great Spruce Mountain. At night he saw fire on the mountain. He said to First Woman, "Somebody's over there, I have to go to them." "No," he said. "There are a lot of monsters here and there, it's not safe for you." The next day a dark cloud remained on the mountain, and at night the fire appeared again for the second time. It happened on the third day too. On the fourth day, the First Man said, "I must go, I believe there is a Saints on the mountain who can help us." He set off for Ch'ÃÆ'³ol '??' ÃÆ' . As he walked, he sang: I ÃÆ'? TsÃÆ'Ã… © Hastiin , and I'm heading Ch'ÃÆ'³ol '??' ÃÆ' in the pursuit of old age and happiness. In the pursuit of old age and happiness I followed the lightning and approached the place where he attacked. In the pursuit of old age and my happiness follow the rainbow and approach the place where it touches the earth. In the pursuit of old age and happiness, I followed the trail of dark clouds and approached the thickest places. In the pursuit of old age and happiness, I followed the scent of rain, and approached the place where the darkest rain line.
At the top of the top Ch'ÃÆ'³ol '??' ÃÆ' , she heard a baby crying and a lightning accident, heavy rain, and she saw the end of the rainbow with intense colors in front of the black sky. Suddenly the rain stopped and the sky became clear. Where he heard the cries of a baby there was a green turquoise girl lying on the ground. First Man took a turquoise girl and took her home with him.
Female Birth Changed
Two days later First Man and First Woman were woken up early by the voice of "Wu'hu'hu'hu '." They know that Haashch'Ã © Ã © ÃÆ' Â ©? Ti'ÃÆ' , Talking God. He told them that they should go back upward with a turquoise figure in twelve days.
When they reach the spot level just below the top , > Haashch'Ã © Ã © ÃÆ' Â ©? ti'ÃÆ' is there waiting for them. Haashch'Ã © ÃÆ' Â © 'ooghaan , God of the House, was there. , Water Sprinkler, was there. With them is NÃÆ'? Ch'i , Wind. Haashch'Ã © Ã © ÃÆ' Â ©? ti'ÃÆ' puts a perfect deer skin on the ground with its head facing west. On the bucksin First Man put the figure of a girl's turquoise with a head to the west. Then Haashch'Ã © Ã © ÃÆ' Â ©? Ti'ÃÆ' puts another perfect deer skin above the figure, with its head facing East. The Saints began to sing the sacred song HÃÆ'³zh ???? jÃÆ' Sin , and NÃÆ'? ch'i , The wind entered between the deer skin blanket. The top blanket was removed, and underneath was a live baby girl. His name is Asdz ???? NÃÆ'¡dleehÃÆ' Â © , Changing Women. The Saints told First Man and First Woman to take him to their home and raise him as their daughter.
First Woman and First man brings Asdz ???? NÃÆ'¡dledleà ©  © to their hogan, and First Man creates a buffer board and binds it in it. "Now she will be my daughter," she said. The first woman took her baby and inhaled it four times. "Now," she said, "she will be my daughter." At the end of the second day, the baby laughed for the first time. The Coyote is called ÃÆ'? TsÃÆ' © Hashkà ©  © came and said, "I was told that my grandson was laughing for the first time." First Woman took charcoal and gave it to the Coyote who said: "This is one -the only thing that survives. " He paints his nose with it and says, "I'll know everything, I'll live long with him." Satisfied with the gift, he goes. Since then people have always received gifts when the baby laughed for the first time, and the First Laughter Ceremony was performed.
On the thirteenth day, Asdz ???? NÃÆ'¡dleehÃÆ'Â © has become a young woman, and on that day she said to First Lady, "Something unusual has passed me." The first woman said, "That is your first race, kinaashdaah ." They cover the hogan floor with a blanket, and Change Women lie on top of them face down. First Man pulled her hair down, and formed her face, and dressed her with beautiful items, beads, bracelets, and earrings, and tied her hair with perfect deer skin strips. Then First Man and First Woman step outside the hogan and say Asdz ???? NÃÆ'¡dleehÃÆ'Â © to run his first race around the cedar tree and back, from east to west, like the sun. When he came back, they invited everyone to sing over him in a hogan called Hooghan Hot? 'Eztsoos , Changed House, in a mountain named Dzi? NÃÆ'¡'odi? Ii four days later. Large crowds gathered in the afternoon on the fourth day. Sweet corn cakes made from different colored corn flour sweetened with yeast. The Night Chant is sung, and in the morning the men receive some girl cakes as a gift for their singing, and Asdz ???? NÃÆ'¡dleehÃÆ' Â © , Changing Woman sitting behind hogan as a gift stacked in front of her. In this way the First Race of every young woman should be celebrated.
Birth of the Twins
Soon after, Changing Woman wanted his partner. Every morning when the sun rises he lies on his back until noon, his head to the west and his feet to the east. During the day he goes to the spring. She was lying under the ledge and letting water droplets drip down her body. It lasts every day for four days. On the fourth day, he heard a voice behind him and turned and saw a young man with a big white horse with black eyes. It has a long white mane, and prance on the ground and not on the earth itself. The straps and saddles are white. Moccasins and leggings of the young man were also white. The driver spoke: "You are lying in my direction every morning till midday.When I'm halfway from the center of the earth, you go to spring.Your wishes can not have two meanings.Get home and tell your father to make a hogan in the south of your house Fill a basket with food and place it in the hogan Make a pollen line from east to west across the basket above the food Make a pollen line from north to south pulled around the basket "You and your father have to sit there late into the night. He will then go home to his wife's house and you must stay there alone. "
Changing Woman returns home and tells what happened to her parents. First Man says that it can not be true, but First Woman says that it is a message of the Holy Ghost and they must obey. So First Man and Asdz ???? NÃÆ'¡dleehÃÆ' Â © prepare hogan and basket and wait until late at night. Finally First Man came home. When Changing Woman returns home in the morning, First Man asks him at once: "Who came last night?" The girl said, "No one came, but some food has been taken." The same thing happened on the second night, and the third. On the morning after the fourth night, the girl told First Man, "I saw no one, but someone touched me, and I was touched." Four days later, Asdz ???? NÃÆ'¡dleehÃÆ' Â © said, "Mother, something is moving inside me." The First Lady replied, "My daughter, that must be your baby is moving."
On the ninth day, Changing Woman felt the birth of his birth began. Talking God appeared, carrying a bunch of sunshine. Water Sprinkler the Rain God appeared carrying a rainbow cord. Without saying anything, the two creatures gave one end of each rope to the Changing Woman and secretly offered to pull them with every spasm of labor. This begins the habit of giving a rope to a woman who is giving birth. A baby boy appeared, and Talking God took it aside and washed it, and cut off the umbilical cord. The second baby boy appeared, and Air Sprinkler took it aside and washed it and cut off the umbilical cord.
Preparation for the Twins
After four days, Haashch'Ã © Ã © ÃÆ' Â ©? Ti'ÃÆ' , Talking God, and TÃÆ'³ NeinilÃÆ' , Water Sprinkler, back. The twins have grown into big boys. " ShinÃÆ'¡lÃÆ' (Grandsons)," Talking God said, "We have come to run with you. "" We'll see how fit you are, "said Water Sprinkler. They agreed to race around the mountain. The children ran fast, and two Saints ran slower. However, soon the children became tired and the Saints appeared behind them and began to mock them and whipped them with the buttons of mahogany mountains. As they approached the house, Talking God and Water Sprinkler ran past them and won the race. "We will be back in four days for the race again," they said, and departed. At night, the children feel sick and tired. NÃÆ'? ch'i , Wind came to them and said, "Practice every day and grow stronger." In four days, Talking God and Water Sprinkler returned, and the four ran again around the mountain. The speed is faster, but just as before, Talking God and Water Sprinkler ran just behind the twins and whipped it with the button. Again, the Saints say they will return in four days for the race again. And again in the night comes and encourages them and urges them to practice. Every day the boys are trained, and in the third race, Talking God and Water Sprinkler no longer whip the twins, but must run the strongest to win the race at the end. Four days later they returned to the race for the last time. Again, boys start very quickly, but this time they are not tired and slow down their pace. They lead all the way and win the race. "Good, , "says Talking God and Water Sprinkler. "You have grown into what we want you to be.Now you can serve well those who have taken care of you."
The twins come to Changing Woman, Asdz ???? NÃÆ'¡dleehÃÆ' Â © , and asked, "Mother, who is our father?" "You do not have a father," he said. "We must have a father," replied the twins. "We need to know who he is." "Your father is a round cactus, then," Changing Woman said. "Be quiet."
First Man makes a bow and arrow for the twins, and they travel south to hunt. They see a big black bird in the tree, and try to hit him with arrows, but fly away. When they told her Changing Woman, she said, "It's Raven, and she might be spying for TsÃÆ'Â © NinÃÆ'¡hÃÆ'¡ , Monster Bird, who devoured our people Do not go there again. "The next day the kids took their bow and went west. They saw a big black bird with red head, and tried to kill him, but flew away. When they told her Changing Woman, she said, "That's Hering. He might be a spy for TsÃÆ'Â © dah HÃÆ'³dzii? , The Monster Down Down Cliffs Do not go there again. "The next day they went north, and there they saw black and white birds with a piercing sound. They try to shoot him with their arrows, but fly away. When they told their mother, she said, "It's Magpie, she's a spy for the BinÃÆ'¡ÃÆ'¡ 'yee AghánÃÆ' , The Monster That Kills With His Eyes If he sees you he will cripple you with his eyes and punch you to pieces. "Changing the Woman shouted," Now the monster knows about you, and they will come to kill you. You have to stay inside. "
The next morning Changing Woman climbs the hill. Looking from afar he saw a lot of monsters coming from the south and from the west and from the north. He made four holy circles. The white that he threw to the east. The blue he threw to the south. The yellow he threw to the west. The black he threw to the north. Immediately the strong wind began to circulate Hogan. "The wind is too strong for monster to enter," he told his sons. We're going to be dad
Source of the article : Wikipedia