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" Fire and Blood " is the tenth and final episode of the first season of the medieval fantasy television series HBO Game of Thrones . First aired on June 19, 2011, it was written by executive event-makers and producers David Benioff and D. B. Weiss, and directed by Alan Taylor.

The episode title is the motto of House Targaryen, and alludes to the post-climax events of the previous episode. The action of this episode revolves around Starks reaction to the execution of Eddard Stark: Sansa is held hostage, Arya escapes in disguise, Robb and Catelyn lead troops against the Lannisters, and Jon Snow fights against his divided loyalties. Across the sea narrow, Daenerys had to deal with the blood magic that had robbed her husband, her son, and his army.

This episode was well received by critics, who chose the closing scene as a very powerful way to end the first season. In the United States, this episode reached audiences of 3.04 million in its initial broadcast. This episode was nominated for the Primetime Emmy Award for Exceptional Special Visual Effects for the Series.

Video Fire and Blood (Game of Thrones)


Like the previous episode, "Fire and Blood" established an action in several separate locations in and around the Seven Kingdoms of Westeros.

In the North

Cumpal Bran Stark took Osha with him into the basement of the Stark family under Winterfell. There, they meet Stark's youngest brother, Rickon, and direwolfnya, Shaggydog. Both brothers are attracted to the crypt after dreaming of the death of their father, Ned. As they leave the basement, Maester Luwin arrives to tell Bran about his father's execution.

In Riverlands

At Stark's army camp, Catelyn consoled Robb, who mourns the death of his father. Robb swears revenge on Lannister, but Catelyn reminds him that they must save Arya and Sansa first. When Stark consulted with their followers on whether to support Stannis or Renly Baratheon, both had challenged the claims of Joffrey Baratheon on the throne, Lord Greatjon Umber actually made the case for North independence. Theon Greyjoy and others agreed, proclaiming Robb the "King in the North". Later, Catelyn interrogated Jaime Lannister's detention. He admitted to having pushed Bran out of the tower window, but refused to say why.

At Lannister's army camp, Lord Tywin Lannister and his followers discussed recent setbacks: not only did they lose the important battle, and Jaime, to Starks, along with all his troops, but both Westheon brothers now threatened them. Due to the execution of his grandson Ned Stark destroying every hope to prosecute peace between Starks and Lannisters, Tywin ordered his son Tyrion to go to King's Landing with his successor as the Hand of the King to keep Joffrey under control. To his father's order, Tyrion brought Shae's whore with her to the capital.

In King's Landing

After a bard, Marillion, composed a nasty song about the death of King Robert, Joffrey offered him the choice between losing his fingers or tongue, with Marillion choosing to cut his tongue. Joffrey then led Sansa to a small wooden bridge at the top of a fort and forced him to see the head of his father and other members of the Stark household who climbed the nail. When Joffrey recounts his plan to add Robb's head to the collection, Sansa opposes it hoping to see his own head mounted there, which Joffrey had Ser Meryn Trant slapped him. When Sansa contemplated pushing Joffrey off the bridge, she was stopped by "The Hound", Sandor Clegane, who wiped the blood from her mouth and told her to obey Joffrey for her own sake.

Meanwhile, Arya, after being rescued by Night's Watch Yoren recruiter, picks up the identity of the boy "Arry" to escape with Yoren and his new recruits. After being picked up by two boys who planned to steal his sword, Arya threatened to kill them until Gendry, the son of an unknowing son of King Robert, scared them. Arya and Gendry go with the Yoren caravan, to the Wall.

On the Wall

Jon tries to leave Night's Watch to join Robb and avenge his father, even though Sam pleads. Chased by Sam, Pyp and Grenn, Jon tells them to leave, but they convince Jon to return to Watch by swearing their oath. The following morning Lord Commander Jeor Mormont told Jon that he was conscious of his desertion. Nevertheless, he ordered Jon to join him on an expedition outside the Wall, which was intended to counter the threats of the wilders and White Walker, and to find the missing First Ranger, Benjen Stark.

In Lhazar

Upon awakening, Daenerys Targaryen learns from Ser Jorah Mormont that his unborn son died, his life was exhausted in Mirri's spell that saved the life of Khal Drogo. Drogo had fallen into a catatonic state, which caused most of his followers to abandon him. Daenerys accuses Mirri of deceiving him by not disclosing the true price of his magic, and Mirri reveals that he is trying to avenge the destruction of the village and its people. Unable to bear the condition of her husband, Daenerys kissed Drogo with a pillow, killing him.

Daenerys and his remaining followers build a pyre for Drogo. Daenerys places his dragon eggs on a pile of wood, and he orders Ser Jorah to tie Mirri to him. After burning firewood, Daenerys declares himself the queen of the new khalasar, freeing those who will stay with him. Despite Jorah's worries, Daenerys then stepped into a pile of wood. At daybreak, Jorah and khalasar were surprised to find that he was not injured in the ashes, carrying three dragonfinders. Amazed, they bowed to Daenerys as one of the climber's climb to his shoulder and the dragon's creak was heard for the first time in several centuries.

Maps Fire and Blood (Game of Thrones)



This episode was written by David Benioff and D. B. Weiss from showrunners. Like the rest of the first season, he adjusted the plot of A Game of Thrones, the first novel in George R. R. Martin's A Song of Ice and Fire series. This episode includes novel chapters 66 through 73, namely, Arya V, Bran VII, Sansa VI, Daenerys IX, Tyrion IX, Jon IX, Catelyn XI and Daenerys X. It also includes part of the second novel, A Clash of Kings : Arya I (chapter 2) and part of Catelyn VII (ch. 55). The added scenes for the adaptation include Catelyn and Robb receiving news of Eddard's death, the disclosure of Cersei and Lancel Lannister relationships, as well as the interaction between Grand Maester Pycelle, Ros whores, Varys and Littlefinger.


The dragon displayed at the end of the episode was performed by Bluebolt, England, the main VFX agent for the first season. VFX supervisor Angela Barson asserted that the CGI dragon is one of the most pressing effects, leading to sleepless nights. Commenting on the episode climax scene in which the hatching dragon is revealed, actress Emilia Clarke told VH1, "You see the relationship that Dany has with her egg, and you see it grow and grow and grow and the kind of intuitive connection she has with them, you see it flourish very beautiful. "Clarke also hinted that he hopes to" play with some more dragons! " in the second season, based on his conversation with author and executive producer George R.R. Martin. "VFX Data Wrangler" Naill McEvoy later confirmed that the presence of the dragon will increase in the second season.

In a scene where Joffrey forced Sansa to see Ned's head and his entourage with nails, one of the fake heads that was featured in the profile was former US president George W. Bush. In their comments on DVD release season 1, David Benioff and D.B. Weiss explains that this is not intended as a political statement, but rather because production uses a false head that happens to be in the hands. Following a media report in June 2012, HBO apologized for this shot, which their statement described as "unacceptable, disrespectful and in very bad taste." The statement also said that the shots will be edited for every home video production and TV broadcasts in the future. HBO deleted episodes from digital download service until the scene was edited. In the edited scene, the head has no resemblance to Bush.

Game of Thrones Fire and Blood Targaryen ❤ 4K HD Desktop ...


Occupation and ranking

"Fire and Blood" was first aired on HBO in the US and Canada on June 19, 2011. The episode was the most watched episode of the season and was seen by around 3.041 million viewers and received 1.4 share among adults between the ages of 18 and 49. This means that it is seen by 1.4% of all ages 18-49 years old at the time of broadcast. With repetition, this episode generated 3.9 million total viewers. In the UK, this episode was seen by 1.314 million viewers, making it the highest-rated broadcast of that week.

Critical response

"Fire and Blood" received positive reviews, and many critical acclaim for the closing scene.

Matt Fowler of IGN writes that "'Fire and Blood' is not the strongest sound of an episode, but fans of the book will surely appreciate a small part of the second book, A Clash of Kings , which includes helping to set the season two years ahead. "He rated episode 8.5 of 10. Todd VanDerWerff from The AV Club gave him the comment "A-,":

"This series, in particular, has shown that it is willing to stretch some of these emotional or philosophical moments, to really get the most out of the actors' performances and give them a scene where they can broaden their characters outside what's on the page.At the end one can feel too scattered - we drop by on every major character of this season who is alive - the feeling that a cool head prefers to prevent a bigger war but thwarted by a hotter and younger head is what unite story ".

David Sims, also wrote for The A.V. Club , calling it a fitting end to this season, "leaving absolutely everyone salivating for the second season." Writing for Star-Ledger, Jenifer Braun praised the episode for her outfit ("I must say, it's fun just to see all the shiny stuff prepared by HBO sets for Tywin Lannister Tents") and the authenticity of a baby dragon (" And wow, HBO, a special, seamless effect here Baby Dragon looks just as real as the 'dog' series.) HitFix says "Wrapping his great first season... it's so entertaining along the way - with the most entertaining end so far - and we know that at least one more season will come. And if a creative team can maintain this level of quality, it's hard to imagine HBO turning things off in the near future, even with a budget that only scores higher. The dragons are not cheap, but they are also amazing. "


"Fire and Blood" was nominated for, but did not win, the Emmy Primetime Award for Exceptional Special Visual Effects for the Series. The contributors cited in the nomination lead the visual effects watcher Adam McInnes; Visual effects watchdog 2 lead & amp; visual effects inspector Angela Barson; leads visual effects producer Lucy Ainsworth-Taylor; CGI Supervisor, Raf Morant; leading the visual compositor effect of Henry Badgett; matte tin artist Damien Mace; special effects watchdog Stuart Brisdon and special effects watchdog Graham Hills.

Awards and nominations

Game Of Thrones» [ «TARGARYEN» - «Fire and Blood» ] Wallpaper and ...


George R.R. Martin will publish Fire and Blood, the 640-page Game ...

External links

  • "Fire and Blood" in HBO
  • "Fire and Blood" in IMDb
  • "Fire and Blood" on

Source of the article : Wikipedia
