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Jean Ray Laury (March 22, 1928 - March 2, 2011) is an academically trained artist and designer in America. He was one of the first artists to move to quilting as a media of choice in the late 1950s. The blanket does not follow traditional methods or patterns; they are a bold, modern, colorful collage, often mixed with humor and satire. Publishing more than twenty books and teaching over 2,000 workshops, Laury helps women see creative possibilities in everyday objects and builds their sense of inspiration. Laury has been called "foremother of quilt revival", and "one of the pioneers" of non-traditional quilts.

Video Jean Ray Laury

Early life and education

Born on March 22, 1928 in Doon, Iowa, Jean Ray Laury is the daughter of Ralph and Alice Ray. She is the second of four girls. Growing up, "Laury's mom encouraged her to" do what you want to do, and not do what others do. "" As a child, Laury likes to draw and paint. The family moved to Oak Ridge, Tennessee where he graduated from high school. He returned to Iowa to attend Iowa State Teachers' College (now University of Northern Iowa), where he obtained his bachelor's degree in Arts and English in 1950. After teaching art for several years, he moved to California. He went on to marry Frank Laury, who worked as a professor at California State University, Fresno, in 1952.

Starting a master's program in Design at Stanford University, Laury became interested in the art of quilting. Laury is interested in quilting for giving her the flexibility of working at home and allowing her to start and stop if needed to take care of the house and her children. While Laury grew up in a small community where quilting was a common thing, she had not paid much attention to quiltmaking until now. Always one to accept the challenge, Laury begins experimenting with the plane. One aspect that makes Laury insist is that she does not want to work with a pattern. Inspired by his son Tom, Laury's first blanket was an appliquà © quilt called the Tom Blanket. It's filled with pictures that are familiar to children, but Laury interprets them in a simplified contemporary style. Including this quilt into his last master's degree project, Laury graduated in 1956. 'Tom's Quilt' was included in a student exhibition at DeYoung Museum in San Francisco, and led a solo exhibition there a few years later.

Laury entered her first blanket in the 1958 East Country Exposition at Storrowton Village in West Springfield, Massachusetts. Despite not winning any prizes, it attracted the attention of Roxa Wright, one of the jury and creative editors of House Beautiful magazine. Through her, Laury gets a commission to design quilts for magazine projects. Later, Laury followed him to Woman's Day. Jean's designs include Better Homes and Gardens, Family Circle, Cosmopolitan, Needle and Craft, and many other publications.

Finding inspiration in everyday objects, Laury's mission is "to blur the line between art (painting and sculpture) and decorative art (fiber, wood, glass, ceramics)." When he experimented with various media, Laury honed quiltmaking in the 1970s. In 88 Leaders in the Blanket World Today, Laury states, "I love making blankets that grow from everyday life, so politics, women's issues, big surprises in the world and humor are always part of my work. draw me to quiltmaking and create a vital field. "

Maps Jean Ray Laury

Influence in the blanket art movement

Laury's stare for art and design allowed her to see the functional benefits of a quilt. At Ho For California!, Laury talks about the qualities that the initial blanket possesses beyond warmth:

Blankets, however, satisfy other needs as great as physical warmth: the need to feel connected to family and other generations, the need for sustainability. Blankets offer a way of maintaining bonding when unusual (or unfamiliar) photos, and mail arrivals can take months. Blankets are the contact... Blankets become the typical symbol of the woman who made them. They 'stand in' for the quilter, long after he leaves, revealing to the descendants, audiences, or new owners of the quilter essence - his passion, energy, vitality, and skill.

Laury believes that "big quilts exist when dependent on... the principles of art that make visual work look great... I do not see a big difference between the fabric on the wall and the paint on the wall." Laury states that "art has nothing to do with material that is used rather than with the perceptive and expressive ability of the individual.Each distinction between 'fine' and 'decorative' art is not a matter of matter, but what the artist brings to matter.Other media can be successfully used at any level for any purpose. "Just as with the" traditional "art, what is seen as something great for one person will not be considered good by others. Everyone has a personal experience that affects their reactions and relationships with artwork.

Lailt's quilt aesthetic is far from traditional. Taking an innovative and contemporary approach, Laury's blanket is filled with humor, intelligence, and contradictory images; "a world in which iron-like-cartoons fly in the air emits innocent steam, very happy housewives chasing their hard work in a dreamy, happy state, and politicians hoisted on their own petel." While Laury's blanket may be politically and confrontational, that's far from her personal attitude. Laury relied on her blanket to show her attitude on important issues because she struggled "to argue politics or feminism or anything hard and strong in the group." The format of the comic strip is one that Laury continues to lean toward her. Laury used this format because "[n] obody turned away from the comic strip format: everyone felt 'I can get this.' So they will read what I have to say, and I can comment on things that I think are important to me or important to people in general. "Laury prefers to use natural fabrics like cotton and has experimented with many effects including printing and stamping to achieve the desired final appearance. One stipulation is that the fabric remains soft and like a blanket. Altogether, Laury is known for being a pioneer of "silk sketches on blankets."

Using an unconventional strategy for an artist, Laury chose not to be represented by galleries or dealers. Because of this, Laury does not sell many of the exhibits; on the contrary, he prefers to assign pieces with architects. While Laury's work has received much praise and recognition from the art world, she does not always feel confident about her work. In 2000, Laury stated, "I always had the impression that maybe my blanket would not be suitable for the museum... Now I change my mind, maybe the museum is more open to quiltmaking."

One of Laury's most famous quilts is titled 'Barefoot and Pregnant', completed in 1985. Selected as one of the best 100 quilts in America in the 20th century during Ultimate Quilt Search by a panelist representing the Alliance for the American Blanket, The The American Quilt Study Group, the International Quilt Association, and the National Quilting Association. Jean Ray Laury took the soft quilting art with "Barefoot and Pregnant" and used the best of the political/social cartoon tradition to convey a difficult message. The statement by the then state politician, quoted in the newspaper, inspired the artist to respond in a way that expresses his anger in a humorous and constructive way. Jean combines images and words to allow viewers to laugh over the absurdity of the statement. It is part of the permanent collection of the International Quilt Study Center & amp; Museum at the University of Nebraska-Lincoln.

'It's Not Art,' made in 1984, is another blanket in which Laury uses humor to continue the debate, "What is art?" Silk screened around the blanket border is a quote that he saw in the guest book of a contemporary painting exhibition. "It's not art for me all these boxes and objects... real art has - you know - like Madonna in it..." The blankets are filled with little colorful boxes and things that are not static but dancing around the surface. Laury cares less about the art part of the quilt art than about her message.

Laury is a productive quilter. International Study Center for Blankets & amp; The museum at the University of Nebraska-Lincoln has 41 of its covers in the collection, the world's largest collection of blankets. Michael James states that "Jean Ray Laury is an artist, writer, poet, designer, teacher, mentor, and inspiration to many quiltmaker and fabric artists over the past 50 years."

Part of Laury's career involves completing a commission that includes "panels and murals for United California Bank and Del Web Hotel, both in Fresno, Harrah's Clubs in Tahoe and Reno, and Nut Tree (restaurant/mixed-use development) in California." This "public installation helps build fiber art as a legitimate pursuit in California."

Jean Ray Laury â€

Empower women and community engagement

With encouragement from Roxa Wright, Laury began working on her first book, AppliquÃÆ' Â © Stitchery, published in 1966. [7] The book "includes techniques and ideas that are not discussed elsewhere." Laury's second book Quilts and Coverlets: A Contemporary Approach was published in 1970. These first two books "frame the embroidery as a conscious effort against standardization." In his books, Laury emphasized the ability and the need for women to individualize their homes and make them less mass production products. Laury does not deviate from the family's traditional ideal with "the bread-winning father, the wife who lives in the house, and the children that is the woman's responsibility to raise." During the 1960s this arrangement was still the norm, and these women were Laury's main audience for books, magazine articles and designs. By identifying himself as an average housewife and mother, Laury offers her own path to creativity and art as a model for other women to follow.

During the advent of the quilt movement of art, Laury felt that she could use this art form to encourage the feminist art movement as well. Laury soon realized that the network would be the key to the growth and evolution of this successful movement. In Quiltmaking in America, Laury states:

The contact marks, for me, the beginning of the network - the opportunity to exchange other quilter information about shared interests. It offers access to information that is not available through known sources, and includes intersecting observations, opinions and intuitive responses with ones own. This continues the tradition of sharing among quilters.

As a lecturer, Laury presented programs at colleges, universities, symposia and conferences across the country (including Quilt National) as well as guild quilters, embroiderers, designers, and weavers. He teaches at California State University-Fresno, for UC Davis Extension, and University of California, Santa Cruz. [24] In 1976 Laury was a presenter at the first show "which can be considered, in retrospect, as a national blanket conference held in NY Ithaca in conjunction with the Finger Lakes Bicentennial Quilt Exhibit". In 1977 Laury became a visiting lecturer at the Lincoln Quilt Symposium in Nebraska. On that indication there are 600 participants from 40 states. Laury traveled during the 1970s, 1980s, and entered the 1990s. He began teaching widely in Canada and Europe (Belgium, France, Norway and Austria). Eventually, Laury expanded her teaching to South Africa, Australia, and Japan. As Laury says "no matter where I am, when we talk about quilting, we talk about women's lives." Women's issues are universal. "

Laury's support was discovered when at the conference and the symposium was unequaled with the experience he had experienced before. He not only finds people trust and coworkers, but he also finds eternal friends. The leaders in the quilt movement are not selfish. They not only want this new art form to grow and develop, but they also want to share their findings and learn new techniques with each other. They understand the value and importance of building a community.

Therefore Laury and Joyce Aiken decided to hold a week-long Camp Blanket at Shaver Lake, California in 1973. Laury's "Quilt Camp" brochure stated that the workshop was about fiber art, but became a support group and awareness group. Although two men apply, he chooses to restrict enrollment to women. She feels that "the environment of all women encourages sharing, because many women are hesitant or reluctant to express themselves openly and will submit to men when they are present." The couple decided to make this an annual event, and Aiken continued to help until 1998. "Lizbeth and friend Susan Macy" Laury's daughter came in and helped until the last camp was held in 2002.

Overall, Laury is known as an agitator. She helps women realize that they can be creative without sacrificing their responsibilities at home. "She encourages women to mine their world for inspiration by introducing them to the highly fertile interior landscape of their own imagination... He suggests treating tasks as a time to think." She wants to help women find creative ways in their daily lives that they never knew existed. He also "encourages women to come out and attend exhibitions, to see the work they love, but more importantly, spend time in front of work they do not like." This exercise will help them form their own opinions and start building their own signature aesthetic.

In addition to focusing on networking and community building opportunities, Laury is involved in many other aspects of the quilt movement of art. He was a writer for Quilters Newsletter during the 80s and 90s, curated exhibits including Bushveldt To Kop: Quilts of South Africa at the Fresno Art Museum in 1993, and "donated his personal papers on children's books to Arne Nixon Center for the Study Children's Literature at Henry Madden Library, California State University, Fresno. "With his outstanding achievements and engagements, Laury has been recognized as one of the most important members of the art movement movement.

Jean Ray Laury â€

Influential Writer

Laury begins by writing a diary in elementary school and, in one form or another, continues to write her entire life.She continues writing daily journals and diaries, writing dozens of poems and short stories, and is especially enjoyed in accordance with other quiltmakers. Laury states "[p] expressing thoughts and ideas into words gives them significance and validity." Laury's writing style is conversational and usually colored with humor. Like his teaching methods, his books and articles illustrate more than technique. He establishes "how to" instruction with philosophy, encourages his readers to be original, assesses their work, explores and takes creative risks. His approach inspired many readers, including young artists who embraced blankets as their primary expression tool as well as others who wanted to incorporate creativity into their daily lives.

One of Laury's most famous books is The Creative Women Getting-It-All-Together at the Home Handbook written in 1977. In a review of this book by Bonnie Lehman in Quilter Newsletter Magazine, Lehman writes "This is a great book. I cry and I laugh at it, and think anyone, man or woman who ever tried to work at home will not be able to pass it without tears or a smile. "In the same article, in a review by Beth Gutcheon, Gutcheon also tells a story about a woman who was asked if the book changed his life and he replied, "Yes. Gutcheon states "I can not make it any better".

Another famous book Laury is involved in writing is Ho For California! Women's Pioneers and Their Blankets. In his introduction, Laury states "Blankets become the basic symbols of women who make them.They" stand in "for quilter, long after he leaves, revealing to the descendants, audiences, or new owners of quilter essence - his passion, energy, vitality, and skill.

Laury wrote extensively for Quilter Bulletin Magazine with a series of essays entitled "Keeping it All Together" which began in May 1982 to March 1984; the essay was reprinted in book form in 1983. His essay series, "Talking Over," began in April 1984 and lasted until December 1990. Laury also wrote children's books and poems, including No Dragons on My Quilt (1990) and he's the famous "Sunbonnet Sue" series. During his career, Laury wrote/co-wrote 25 books. In an interview for the "Quilters Save Our Stories Project" set up by the Alliance for Blanket America, Laury declared "I might love to write as much as I like to write."

Quilting Clothing by Jean Ray Laury from TNFindersandCrafts on ...


While Laury is internationally recognized as a pioneer of the blanket art movement, her life mission is simply to inspire others to see their greatness and artistic abilities. "He encourages all quiltmakers to apply the principles of art: patterns, colors, textures, rhythms, lines, to blankets, and to incorporate painting techniques, graphic arts and photography in their work." His commitment to teaching, organizing seminars and workshops, and writing, enabled him to influence the lives of thousands of women. By inculcating lectures and workshops with "anecdotes from balancing his own life, juggling deadlines and dirty dishes, parenting, and solving artistic problems," Laury can connect with her audience on a personal level. Most importantly, Laury emphasizes the importance of courage, "the courage that we all need to know ourselves, to understand and pursue our own dreams, to meet our challenges and fears, and, ultimately, for the courage needed to grow old. "Laury's commitment to quiltmaking paves the way for future generations of studio art quilters.

Due to respiratory complications, Laury died on March 2, 2011 at the age of 82. Knowing she was sick, Laury prepared her own obituary, published in Fresno Bee ":

I Write This To Many of My Friends

Do not mourn for me. I have a long and happy life, a wonderful family, and a fun and fulfilling career. My family includes Frank, my husband for over 60 years, who is always very supportive, helpful, and fun to live with. Our son Tom is a greedy reader, and for over forty years, a beekeeper. Tom's wife, Dr. Ritva Laury is a linguist who divides her time between Fresno and the University of Helsinki, Finland. Our daughter, Lizabeth Laury, worked with horses and wrote. Mike Brown teaches chemistry and physics at Washington Union High School. Ritva and Mike were a very special addition to our family. Our granddaughter Anna Laury, M.D. finishing his last board in 2010 and pursuing his career in Boston. Her sister, Emma Laury, J.D. graduated in May 2010 from law school, graduated from California Bar and now works at OSHA in Washington, D.C.

Among my most respected friends over the years are my colleagues and co-authors on several books, Joyce Aiken; The talented and extraordinary Stan Bitter, a diamond covered with clay dust; and Ruth Law, a Los Angeles mapwriter and friend for over sixty years. It has been wonderful working with fellow artists and writers. My Book Club, which has met for over forty years, has become special, and I have enjoyed our discussion group, Dry Creek Seminar, and my group of writers. I always love to write, and have many books published, and many articles, parodies and essays. It has become constant in my life. I just completed a collection of stories, titled "Growing up in Doon, 1930s: A Quilter's Memoir" about life in Iowa with my sisters Jackie, Joan, and Joyce.

My quilting career gave me the opportunity to travel the world: Japan, Australia, Canada, Norway, France, England, South Africa and many other countries. Quilting friends from all over the United States have been an important part of my life, always enthusiastic and supportive of anything I do. I'm never away from home when I'm with quilters. As wonderful as teaching and traveling, returning to Fresno is like coming home. Nice to be here with you. To all of you, thank you for being with me on this journey.

Jean Ray Laury â€

Selil selected 1975-2003

  • 'Cherry Wreath Quilt,' c. 1976
  • 'Valentine Quilt,' c. 1976
  • 'Cherry Blanket,' c. 1980
  • 'Persephones Spring,' c. 1980
  • 'Cabin Log Variations,' c. 1980
  • 'Starfire,' c. 1981
  • 'The Medallion Quilt,' c. 1981
  • 'Boxed Illusion,' c. 1981
  • 'House Quilt,' c. 1984
  • 'Doppler effect # 1,' c. 1984
  • 'Butterfly Quilt,' c. 1984
  • 'It's Not Art,' c. 1984
  • 'Seven Camels Heading West,' c. 1984
  • 'Coalinga Earthquake # 3,' c. 1984
  • 'Light Shower,' c. 1984
  • 'Doppler effect # 2,' c. 1984
  • 'Baby Bunting,' c. 1984
  • 'Variable Star,' c. 1985
  • 'Barefoot and Pregnant,' c. 1985
  • 'Sky and Earth,' c. 1985
  • 'Nine Girls,' c. 1987
  • 'No Dragons On My Quilt,' c. 1987
  • 'Endangered Species,' c. 1990, Screen printed, hand-painted blanket, 36.5 x 36.75 ", IQSCM 2010.0014.0022
  • 'Nineteen: Memorial for Oklahoma City Children's Bomb Victims,' c. 1996, Screen printed blanket, 51 x 61 ", IQSCM 2010.014.0015
  • 'Magenta Forest,' c. 1990, Cyanotype, 21 x 29 ", IQSCM 2010.014.0006
  • 'The Burpee Quilt,' c. 1990, Piecing Machine, Hand Quilting, Quilt Print Screen, 54 x 63 ", Jean Ray Laury Collection
  • 'Watch Dog,' c. 1991, Applique Blanket, 39 x 49 ", Jean Ray Laury Collection
  • 'William Tell's Son,' c. 1991, Applique and pieced quilt, 56 x 63 ", Lizabeth Laury Collection
  • 'Listen to your mother,' c. 1993, Screen printed blanket, 45 x 45 ", Lizabeth Laury Collection
  • 'Quilt River,' c. 1995, Silk screened, painted dye, and plated machine, 113 x 89 ", Yosemite Bank Collection
  • 'Clothes Fitting,' c. 1997, Photo screen, hand-painted blanket, 18 x 22 ", Jean Ray Laury Collection
  • 'Works Well With Others,' c. 2000, Screen printed blanket, 30.5 x 38.5 ", Jean Ray Laury Collection
  • 'Snake in the Grass,' c. 2000, Screen printed blanket, 30 x 26.5 ", Jean Ray Laury Collection
  • 'Meadow,' c. 2000, Screen printed blanket, 30 x 34 ", Jean Ray Laury Collection
  • 'September: Millerton to Madera,' c. 2000, Screen printed blanket, 33 x 29 ", Jean Ray Laury Collection
  • 'Desert: December,' c. 2000, Screen printed blanket, 14 x 26 ", Lizabeth Laury Collection
  • 'Desert: July,' c. 2000, Screen printed, 15.5 x 28 ", Lizabeth Laury Collection
  • 'Women's Problems,' c. 2000, Screen printed, hand-painted blanket, 34 x 38,75 ", IQSCM 2010.014.0034
  • 'The moon rises in Jupiter,' c. 2000, Screen printed blanket, 30 x 30 ", IQSCM 2010.014.0004
  • 'Cherry Blanket,' c. 2000, Stamp printed quilt, 38.75 x 39.25 ", IQSCM 2010.014.0002
  • 'SPF 35,' c. 2000, Screen printed bedding, 29 x 35 ", Laury Phillips Collection
  • 'Glamor, Glitz & amp; Guts, "2003. Screen printed blanket, 41 x 48", Jean Ray Laury Collection
  • 'It's My Birthday,' c. 2003, Felt appliquÃÆ' Â © quilt, 26.25 x 31 ", IQSCM 2010.014.0003

jean ray laury quilt | judy coates perez | Pinterest | Trips ...


  • DeYoung Museum, San Francisco (student exhibit)
  • Eastern Region Exposition in Storrowton Village, West Springfield, Massachusetts, 1958
  • The American Crayon Company, New York, 1962
  • Crocker Art Gallery, Sacramento, CA 1963 - solo
  • Contemporary Craft Museum
  • California Design Exhibits 8, 9, and 10 (1962, '65 and '68)
  • 100 Best American Blankets of the 20th Century, International Blanket Festival, Houston, Texas, 1999 2011 SFQG Newsletter.pdf

  • 30 Quilters Distinguished, International Great Quilt Festival, Tokyo, Jepang, 2002 2011 SFQG Newsletter.pdf

  • Jean Ray Laury: Life by Design, Curated by Robin Treen, San Jose Museum of Quilts & amp; Textile, San Jose, California, January 17, 2006 - April 9, 2006
  • Press Release: Jean Ray Laury: Life by Design
  • Influence Woman, Fresno Art Museum, Fresno, California, June 2006

  • Aging series, AQSG Seminar, San Jose, California, 2009 Eleven Working Steps: Fresno Journal Project, Fresno Art Museum, Fresno, California, September 12, 2008 - November 2, 2008

  • Personal Visions: Working by Former Spokesman, Visions Art Quilt Gallery, San Diego, California, January 16, 2009 - March 22, 2009

  • San Joaquin River Parkway: 5 Panels, SJR Parkway & amp; Conservation Building Conservation Trust, Fresno, California, January 2009

  • Jean Ray Laury, A Woman's Work, Fresno City College, Fresno, California, January 23, 2012 - February 12, 2012
  • Jean Ray Laury: Getting It All Together, Curated by Nancy Bavor and Jonathon Gregory, Center for International Quilt Studies & amp; Museum, Lincoln, Nebraska, March 2, 2012 - September 2, 2012

  • 100 Years of Dangerous Women Exhibition, Fresno State, 2015


  • 1966

Jahit Jahitan, Reinhold Publ. Co, ISBN: 0278923461

  • 1970

Blankets and Blankets: The Contemporary Approach, Van Nostrand & amp; Reinhold Publ., NY, ISBNÃ, 0442247036 Sites Making Dolls: Creative Approach, Van Nostrand & amp; Reinhold Publ., NY, ISBNÃ, 0442246935

  • 1971

Any Practical Artificial Carpet, (with Joyce Aiken), Countryside Press, Div. Agricultural Journal, ISBN 0-385-07681-9

  • 1973

Creative Body Cover, (with Joyce Aiken) Van Nostrand & amp; Reinhold Publ., NY, ISBNÃ, 0442246927
Wood Applique, (along with Joyce Aiken) Van Nostrand & amp; Reinhold Publ., NY, ISBNÃ, 0442246951

  • 1974

New Usage for Old Laces: How to Recycle Flea and Loft Markets, Doubleday & amp; Co. Inc., Garden City, NY, ISBNÃ, 0385075928

  • 1975

Handcrafted Games and Games: A Guide to Creating Your Own, (with Ruth Law), Doubleday, ISBNÃ, 0385071809
All-Together-At-Home Handbook for Creative Women, Van Nostrand & amp; Reinhold Publ, NY, ISBNÃ, 0442247044

  • 1976

Sebuah Treasury of Needle Craft untuk Bayi Baru, Taplinger Publ., NY, ASIN: B003X66CSM
Applique Stitchery, Van Nostrand & amp; Reinhold Publ./Wiley, NY: ISBNÂ 0442247001

  • 1977

Total Tote Bag Book (dengan Joyce Aiken), Taplinger Publ., NY, ISBNÂ 0800877934

  • 1978

The Pantyhose Craft Book, (bersama Joyce Aiken), Taplinger Publ., NY, ISBNÂ 080086235X

  • 1982

Pakaian Quilted, Oxmoor House USA, ASIN: B001KNGO18

  • 1983

Keeping It All Together: The Not-Just-For-Quiltmaker Coping Book, Moon Over the Mountain Pub. Co., ISBNÂ 0960297057

  • 1985

Sunbonnet Sue Mendapatnya Bersama di Rumah, Quilt Digest/McGraw Hill, Hightstown, NJ, ISBNÂ 0913327115
Sunbonnet Sue Membuat Quilt Pertama, Quilt Digest/McGraw Hill, Hightstown, NJ, ISBNÂ 0913327093
Sunbonnet Sue Goes To The Quilt Show, Quilt Digest/McGraw Hill, Hightstown, NJ; ISBN: 0913327107

  • 1990

No Dragons on My Quilt, (bersama Ritva Laury dan Lizabeth Laury), American Quilters Society, Paducah, KY, ISBN: 0891459685
Ho For California: Pioneer Women and Their Quilts, Proyek California Heritage Quilt, E.P. Dutton, ISBNÂ 0525248382

  • 1993

Incredible Quilts for Children of All Age, McGraw Hill, ISBN. 0844226408

  • 1997

14,287 Other Clothes and Poems, C & amp; T Publ., ISBNÃ, 0914881752
Imagery at Fabric, Edition 2, C & amp; T Publ., ISBNÃ, 1-57120-034-7

  • 1999

Photo Transfer Handbook, C & amp; T Publ., ISBNÃ, 1-57120-064-9

  • 2002

Fabric Stamping Handbook, C & amp; T Publ., ISBNÃ, 1571201300

Awards and acknowledgments

  • Hall of Fame Quilters 1982: Inductee
  • University of Northern Iowa: Distinguished Alumni Award
  • California Arts Commission: Maestro Apprentice Grant Recipient
  • Women Make a History Award, Fresno, California: Recipient
  • Twentieth Century - 100 Best American Blanket: Preferred Artist
  • 88 Leaders in the Blanket World Today published by Nihon Vogue, 1994: Leading Artist
  • Stop in Santa Fe, World Biennial Symposium, Santa Fe, New Mexico, 1995: Guest Presenter
  • International Quilt Festival, Houston, Texas, 1997: Recipient of the Silver Star Award
  • Quilt Treasures, Marsha MacDowell and Justine Richardson, Quilt Alliance, September 17, 2002: Respondents

More Video Clips:

  • Opening of the Hall of Fame Quilters, Marion, Indiana, July 16, 2004: Honoree

  • The Great American Quilt Revival, Georgia and Paul Bonesteel, American Public Television, 2005: Respondents


  • Women's Political Caucus, Fresno, California, 2008: Honoree
  • American Quilt Study Group Seminar, San Jose, California, 2009: Key Note Speaker


Atkins, Jacqueline M. (2000). Designers Women in the United States 1900-2000 (second edition). New Haven and London: Yale University Press. p.Ã, 175. ISBNÃ, 0-300-09331-4
Treen, R. (2006). Jean Ray Laury: A Life by Design. San Jose, California: San Jose Museum of Quilts & amp; Textiles - Hall-Patton, Colleen (2005). "Jean Ray Laury in the 1960s: Foremother of a Quilt Revival". Revelation26: 65-68.
Koplos, Janet (2010). Creator: A History of American Studio Craft. Chapel Hill, North Carolina: University of North Carolina Press. p.Ã, 349. ISBNÃ, 978-0-8078-3413-8
Bavor, N. (2012). Common Yarns: Nine Pioneers of the California Strait. Revelation 2012: Volume 33 of Research Papers from the American Quilt Study Group, 33.
MacDowell, M. (2015). Quilt Treasures Presents: Jean Ray Laury. Retrieved 5 December 2015, from Quilt Alliance:
Rowell, L. (Interviewer) & amp; Laury, J. R. (Respondent). (2000, 2 November). Jean Ray Laury [Interview transcript]. Retrieved from Quilt Alliance:
Ramsey, Bets (1993). "Art and Quilts: 1950-1970". Revelation 14: 23-24.
Bavor, N & amp; Gregory, J. (2012). Jean Ray Laury: Getting It All Together. Retrieved on December 5, 2015 from the International Quilt Study Center & amp; Museum:
Seto, N., & amp; Nihon, V. (1995). 88 Leaders in the World of Blankets Today = kiruto rida, sekai no 88 nin. Tokyo: Nihon Vogue.
Laury, J. R. & amp; California Quilt Relics Project. (1990). Ho for California!: Pioneer Women and Their Quilts (1st ed.). New York: Dutton.
Sider, Sandra (2010). Pioneer Quilt Artists, 1960-1980. pages 56-57. ISBN: 145157679X.
Duncan, S. & amp; Kesinger, P. (2005, November 30). San Jose Museum of Quilts & amp; Textiles Presents Jean Ray Laury: A Life by Design. Retrieved on December 5, 2015 from San Jose Museum of Quilts & amp; Textile:
Shaw, R. (1997). The Art Quilt. New York: Hugh Lauter Levin Associates.
The Quilters Hall of Fame - 42 Master Who Has Formed Our Art, Edited by Merikay Waldvogel, Rosalind Webster Perry, and Marian Ann J. Montgomery, Ph.D., (2011), p.Ã, 137 ISBNÃ, 978 -0-7603-3635-9 - Best Twentieth Century American Blanket, Mary Leman Austin, ed. (1999), p.Ã, 18 ASIN: B000AMPHWE
The California Art Quilt Revolution Nancy Bavor - Master Thesis, (2011) p.Ã, 70 University of Nebraska - Lincoln.
James, Michael Jean Ray Laury: Personal Reflections
Lehman, Bonnie. Quilters Newsletter Magazine, Vol. 12 No. 8, Sept 1981, p. 8 of Townsend, Louise O. Quilters News, 15th Anniversary Issue (1984), p.Ã, 12 in Horton, L. (1994). Quiltmaking in America: Beyond the Myths. Nashville, Tenn. Rutledge Hill Press. Jean Ray Laury. (2015). Retrieved 5 December 2015 from Jean Ray Laury: - Roberts, E. S., & amp; Chiaverini, J. (2007). The Quilt: A History and Celebration of the American Art Form. St. Paul, MN: Voyageur Press.
Roberts, Elise Schebler (2007)., The Quilt - A History and Celebration of American Art Form., P.Ã, 54., ISBNÃ, 978-0-7603-2688- 6
The Passing of Jean Ray Laury. (2011, March 4). Retrieved 5 December 2015 from The Quilter's Hall of Fame Blog:
Laury, Jean Ray Quilters Newsletter Magazine, Vol. 14 â € <â €


Source of the article : Wikipedia
