Acer palmatum , commonly known as maple maple , maple Japan or fine map Japan (Japanese: irohamomiji , ?????? , or Japanese, Chinese, Korean, Mongolian, Japanese, Chinese, Korean, Mongoons, Japanese, Chinese, Korean, and southeast Russia. Many different cultivars of this maple have been selected and they are grown worldwide for a variety of interesting shapes, leaf shapes, and spectacular colors.
Video Acer palmatum
Acer palmatum is a shrub or small tree that reaches a height of 6 to 10 m (20 to 33 feet), rarely 16 meters (52 feet), often growing as an understory plant in a shady forest. There may be some stems that join close to the ground. In habit, it is often shaped like a hemisphere (especially when younger) or takes a dome-like shape, especially as an adult. The leaves are 4-12Ã, cm ( 1 1 / 2 - 4 3 / 4 at) length and width, palms lubricated with five, seven, or nine sharp-pointed lobes. The flowers are produced with small cymes, individual flowers with five sepals of red or purple and five whitish petals. The fruit is a pair of winged samara, each samara 2-3 cm ( 3 / 4 - 1 Ã, / 4 in) long with 6-8 mm ( 1 / 4 - 5 / 16 on) seed. The seeds of Acer palmatum and similar species require stratification to germinate.
Even in nature, Acer palmatum displays considerable genetic variation, with seeds from the same parent tree usually showing differences in features such as leaf size, shape, and color. The overall shape of the tree can vary from upright to crying.
Three subspecies recognized:
- Acer palmatum subsp. palmatum . Leaves small, 4-7 cm ( 1 1 / 2 - 2 3 / 4 at) width, with five or seven lobes and a jagged double margin; seed wing 10-15 mm ( / 8 - 5 / 8 in). Low altitude throughout central and southern Japan (not Hokkaido).
- Acer palmatum subsp. amoenum (CarriÃÆ'ère) H.Hara . Leaving larger, 6-12 cm ( 2 4 / 4 - 4 3 / 4 Ã, in) wide, with seven or nine lobes and one-jagged margins; seed wings 20-25 mm ( 3 / 4 -1Ã, in). Higher altitude throughout Japan and South Korea.
- Acer palmatum subsp. matsumurae Koidz . Leaving larger, 6-12 cm ( 2 4 / 4 - 4 3 / 4 at) width, with seven (rarely five or nine) jagged and double jagged lobes; seed wings 15-25 mm ( 5 / 8 -1Ã, in). Higher altitude throughout Japan.
Maps Acer palmatum
Cultivation and use
Acer palmatum has been cultivated in Japan for centuries and in temperate regions around the world since the 1800s. The first specimen of the tree reached England in 1820.
When Swedish botanist Carl Peter Thunberg traveled in Japan in the late 18th century, he extracted small tree images that would eventually become synonymous with the high art of oriental gardens. He gave it the name of the palmatum after the hand-like shape of its leaves, similar to the centuries-old Japanese name kaede and momiji , references to 'hand' frogs and baby, respectively.
For centuries, Japanese horticulture has developed cultivars from maple found in Japan and Korea and nearby China. They are a popular choice for bonsai fans and have long been a subject in art.
Many cultivars are currently commercially available and are popular in parks and other retail stores in Europe and North America. Red leaf cultivars are the most popular, followed by green bushes with very dissecting leaves.
Preparation of branches and leaves is used as a treatment in traditional Chinese medicine.
Increasing condition
Acer palmatum includes hundreds of named cultivars in various shapes, colors, leaf types, sizes, and preferred growth conditions. Adult specimen height ranges from 0.5 to 25 m ( 1 1 / 2 to 82Ã, ft), depending on the type. Some tolerate sunlight, but most prefer partial shadows, especially in warmer climates. Almost all can adapt and blend well with companion plants. The trees are perfect for borders and ornamental paths because the root system is solid and noninvasive. Many variations of Acer palmatum are successfully planted in containers. Vulnerable trees die during periods of drought and prefer consistent water conditions; the more established trees are less susceptible to drought. Trees should be dampened with a thick layer of bark. Well-drained soils are important because they will not survive in wet soils. Trees do not require or appreciate heavy fertilization and should only be fertilized slightly, preferably using slow release fertilizer with a ratio of 3 to 1 nitrogen to phosphorus. Nitrogen grass fertilizer should be avoided around these trees because excessive nitrogen can lead to overpowering growth that is susceptible to pathogens. Trim
If space is not an obstacle, there is no need for pruning except to remove dead branches. Trees naturally prune themselves leaves that do not receive enough light, such as internal branches that are too shaded by its own canopies. Some growers prefer to form their trees artistically or dilute the interior branches to further expose the majestic main branch. The shape of the tree, especially without leaves in the winter, can be very interesting and can be trimmed to accentuate this feature. Trees recover quickly after pruning without treatment after surgery. This species should not be pruned like a hedgerow, but it is formed methodically by choosing carefully selected branches to be removed. They can also be trimmed just to keep the smaller size to fit a specific location. Acer palmatum can also be used as espalier.
More than 1,000 cultivars have been selected for certain characteristics, reproduced by asexual reproduction most often by grafting, but some cultivars can also be reproduced with shoots, cuttings, tissue culture, or layering. Some cultivars are not cultivated in the Western world or have been lost from generation to generation, but many new cultivars are developed every decade. Cultivars are selected for phenotypic aspects such as leaf shape and size (shallow to deep lobes, some also palmate compound), leaf color (from light green to dark green or from red to dark purple, others vary with various white and pink patterns ), texture and skin color, and growth patterns. Most cultivars are less powerful and smaller than those typical for species, but are more attractive than relatively worldly species. Cultivars come in various forms including upright, broom, crying, flowing, dwarf, and bush. Most cultivars are artificially selected from open pollination seedlings, breeding with uncommon purposes, and less frequently than wizard broom grafts.
In Japan, iromomiji is used as an accent tree in a Japanese garden, providing soft shade next to the house in summer and beautiful colors in the fall. Many cultivars have characteristics that become famous during different seasons, including new or matured leaf colors, exceptional autumn colors, colors and shades of samara, or even bark that becomes more brightly colored during the winter. Some cultivars are rarely distinguishable from others unless labeled. In some cases, identical cultivars use different names, while in other cases, different cultivars can be named the same.
Cultivate examples
A popular or popular cultivar choice, with short notes on characteristics that apply for at least one season, including the following. agm shows cultivars have been awarded the Royal Horticultural Society of Garden Merit Award.
- 'Aka shigitatsu sawa'; pink leaves with green veins
- 'Ao ba jo'; dwarf with green-bronze summer foliage
- 'Atropurpureum'; red wine, including new branches (see 'Dissectum Atropurpureum')
- 'Beni-malko' agm
- 'Beni-tsukasa' agm
- 'Bloodgood' agm ; better 'Atropurpureum' cultivars
- 'Burgundy Lace' agm
- 'Butterfly'; small leaves with white border
- 'Chitose-Yama' agm
- 'Crimson Queen' (see var. dissectum 'Crimson Queen')
- 'Dissectum'; leaves like lace, sagging habits
- 'Dissectum Atropurpureum'
- var. dissectum 'Crimson Queen' agm
- var. dissectum 'Garnet' agm
- var. dissectum 'Inaba-shidare' agm
- var. dissectum 'Seiryu'; agm green bush, like a tree with a smoothly dissected leaf
- 'Emperor 1'
- 'Garnet' (see var. Garnet 'disectum)
- 'Golden Pond'; green yellow summer foliage
- 'Goshiki koto hime'; a fine dwarf multiform
- 'Higasa yama'; leaf wrinkled with yellow
- 'Hogyuko'; rich green leaf, turn orange in the fall
- 'Hupp's Dwarf'; small shrubs dense with miniature leaves
- 'Inaba-shidare' (see var. 'Inaba-shidare')
- 'Issai nishiki kawazu'; very rough, stiff skin
- 'Jerre Schwartz'; dwarf varieties, toothed, deep lobes, dark green leaves, pink red and then green-bronze in spring, flushed in the fall.
- 'Kagiri nishiki'; similar to 'Butterfly' but pink tone
- 'Karasu gawa'; the slow-growing variegate with pink and brilliant white
- 'Katsura' agm ; yellow-green leaves are orange-tipped
- 'Koto no ito'; light green, leaves like yarn
- 'Little Princess'; a dwarf that rarely branches with irregular habits
- 'Mama'; dwarf dense with very varied foliage
- 'Masu murasaki'; a tree with a shrub with purple leaves
- 'Mizu kuguri'; new growth in orange and very wide custom
- 'Nigrum'; agm dark purple leaves turn dark red
- 'Nishiki gawa'; skin like pinetree desired for bonsai
- 'Nomura nishiki'; dark purple, lace-like leaf
- 'Ojishi'; small dwarf, growing only a few centimeters per year
- 'Orange Dream'; agm leaves yellow in spring, summer green, orange-yellow in autumn. Bright green skin
- 'Ornatum' agm
- 'Osakazuki'; agm tree-like shrub with spectacular fall colors
- 'Peaches and Creams'; similar to 'Aka shigitatsu sawa'
- 'Pink Filigree'; finely sliced, pink-browned leaves
- 'Red Filigree Lace'; smooth, smooth dissected, dark purple
- 'Red Pygmy' agm
- 'Sango stiff'; agm maple Coral-bark (formerly 'Senkaki'); with pink-red skin
- 'Seiryu' (see var. Seiryu ')
- 'Shaina'; sports dwarf from 'Bloodgood'
- 'Shindeshojo'
- 'Shikage ori nishiki'; shaped vase with dull purple leaves
- 'Shishigashira'
- 'Skeeter's Broom'; comes from the 'Bloodgood' witch broom
- 'Tamukeyama'; dissected smooth, dark purple, flowing habit
- 'Trompenburg'; agm lean, upright grower, convex lobe, purple leaf
- 'Tsuma gaki'; yellow leaves with reddish purple border
- 'Villa Taranto' agm
- 'Yuba e'; upright tree with red variegation
In addition to the cultivars described above, a number of cultivar groups have naturally been selected from time to time in such a way that the seeds often resemble the parent. Many of these are sold under the same name as cultivars, or even propagated by grafting, so there is often a lot of ambiguity in distinguishing them. In particular, a number of red-dark colors Acer palmatum are sold under the name "Atropurpureum" and "Bloodgood." Many different cultivars with leaves like fine lace are sold under names like "Dissectum", "Filigree" and "Laceleaf."
Similar species
The term "maple Japan" is also sometimes used to describe other species usually in the Palmata series similar to A. palmatum and originate from China, Korea or Japan including:
- Acer duplicatoserratum (syn. A palmatum var. pubescens
- Acer japonicum - a gloomy Japanese maple
- Acer pseudosieboldianum - maple Korea
- Acer shirasawanum - Fullmoon maple
- Acer sieboldianum - maple Siebold
- Acer buergerianum - Trident maple
Given that this maple is a phenotype variable in each species, and can hybridize with each other, distinguishing between them may be a matter of gradient speciation. In commercial propagation, A. palmatum is often used as a rootstock for many of these other species.
External links
- RHS: Acer palmatum cultivation
- photo of herbarium specimens in the Missouri Botanical Garden, collected in Japan
- Shoot: Acer palmatum 'Orange Dream'
Source of the article : Wikipedia